February, 2013

Don't Go In Reverse When It Comes To Business Auto Insurance

There is a lot to think about when you own a small business.

Not only do you have to think about offering insurance to your employees, but you also have to think about auto insurance for company vehicles, or any vehicles used for business purposes.

This is not something to skimp on, as you don’t want to end up paying big bucks if something happens, or worse, risk your business.

Why Word of Mouth Is Great Advertising

What your clients say about your business, matters a lot. It goes a long way in shaping the opinion of others and when it comes to business, perception is often taken as reality. When looking for an effective form of marketing your business, your best advertisers are your clients. Their experience with your enterprise is what they will talk about and this can be beneficial or detrimental to your business.

Can I Get My Business Reputation Back?

Without your reputation, what are you as a business leader?

Unfortunately for some business owners, their reputations are called into question at times, something that can certainly have a negative impact on their ability to conduct business.

If you have found your business reputation questioned at one time or another, here are some ways to improve it, moves that may very well increase your revenue stream:

12th Grant Winner, Amanda Boom, Puts the Idea Cafe grant win to work!

Editor Note: As a rule, all Idea Cafe grant winners provide monthly reports on how their business is doing since winning Idea Cafe's Grant. Here is the first update from Amanda Bloom, the owner of The Mercurial. Enjoy reading, and don't miss out on the opportunity to be inspired by her entrepreneurial spirit and business wisdom. In a six-month period she will share thoughts on how she uses the grant money in the best possible way in order to take her business to the next level.

5 Reasons Your Small Business Needs to Be More Mobile

You conduct business everywhere you go thanks to the new smartphone technology. Business emails are answered while at the drive-thru and appointments made while getting a haircut. Your payment solutions should be just as versatile.

With mobile payments and processing, you can make sales anywhere you are --even when you are miles away from your credit card machines. While there is a vast number of reasons your company should be looking into the mobile payment trend, here are five good reasons to start:

How Credit Card Processing Helps Small Business Startup

Small businesses thrive or die daily due to how well they maintain cash flow. Although there are a number of ways to generate revenue, often small business owners worry when a sale occurs but the actual payment is in arrears. This puts the business in the position of having to front cash for expenses while waiting for a payment to post. The business remains in a tenuous position, especially with traditional payment formats such as checks and cash.