July, 2015

Getting The Most of Your Google My Business Page

You are hungry, out of town for business and looking for some great pizza. You type in “Pizza Delivery in Downtown Houston” on Google on your smartphone to gauge your options. After a day of meetings in a conference room, nothing sounds better than a nice pie of pepperoni pizza.

Low and behold, there are three pizza shops that appear towards the top of Google. You notice that Frank’s, the first pizza shop to populate on the search engine, has a delicious looking picture of its pepperoni pie, and they have a 4.3 rating along with 198 reviews! Frank’s is also only 2 miles from your hotel.

Do You Have the Right Company Culture?

Company culture plays a big part in many aspects of your business.

From the way your company is perceived in the public eye, to how many recruits you can attract, to how long your employees stay with you, company culture influences all of it.

Here are some reasons why company culture matters, and what you can do about when you know there's a problem….

How You Can Stay Motivated And Be Successful At Work When You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy can seem like a major obstacle for those who want to be successful at work. It isn't just your body that changes, your ability to get your job done can change drastically too. Fortunately, you can use the following tips to keep yourself sane and successful at work.

Preliminary Voting Results: The Numbers Suggest the Winner

Final Voting days. Only three days left before the voting ends.

Since this round was open, the nominees have received significant support from their devotees. Now that the end is nearing I am sure everyone is curious to know what the current distribution of the votes is. So without any further ado, let’s take a look at the chart below:

How To Effectively Keep Up With Competitors Through Talent Management

Today’s highly sophisticated business world has one very specific trait – it was built on the foundation of evolving and multiplying capital, which has long surpassed labour as the primary determinant of productivity in all but a few (mostly basic) industries. Capital itself comes in different shapes, but the one currently creating the most value and competitiveness for employers is indubitably the human capital of their employees.

Get Your Employees Off on the Right Savings Approach

Want to spur loyalty for your company among your newest employees? Start by showcasing your care and concern for their future.

Businesses that invest in the futures of their workers often enjoy such side benefits as increased employee morale, lower turnover rates and more.

Here are some ways to get your younger employees off on the right savings approach….

Provide Education

Many workers, young and old, have never received basic financial training.

Dial-up the Best Business Phone System to Connect with Customers

Connecting with customers is one of the most important parts of any business, which is why choosing the right phone system is a top priority.

If your business is in the market for a new phone system, you need to consider all of the available options.

Here are just a few of the possible routes you can take when choosing a phone system for your business:

7 Tips To Avoid The Dreaded Summer Sales Slump

Since we were children, we have been programmed that summer means time off.   The quandary for CEO’s in the sales industry is that this often leads to the dreaded summer sales slump.  

As we head into the second half of summer, many senior executives nationwide may be paying the price for lenient policies such as Summer Friday’s in the form of decreased productivity.  Couple this with the fact that many customers are on vacation and thus not available to take sales calls or emails, profits might be dwindling. What is the solution?

Retire with the Best Employees Possible

If your business wants to retain the best talent possible, then it's time to revamp your retirement offerings.

A solid retirement plan shows your employees how much you appreciate their service, which creates long lasting work relationships.

Here are just a few reasons offering retirement benefits is a wise business decision:

Why Micro Start-up Acquisitions Are and Will Continue To Be Popular

Historically, tech companies have always targeted startups that boast of established products and proven revenue streams. However, in the recent past, there has been such a significant shift towards investments on smaller teams or firms. The past few years has seen this trend accelerate big time.

Some of the main trailblazers are eBay, LinkedIn, Apple, Twitter, Google, and Facebook. Recently, a reinvigorated Microsoft joined the fray. The technology giant acquired LiveLoop Sunrise & Accompli after countless years focusing on strictly multi-billion deals. This was totally unexpected.