start a business

How to Start a Business on EBay: 3 Most Important Things You Need to Know

If you are an avid customer of eBay, you have probably wondered if you too can sell items there. Your most frequent question is probably how to start a business on eBay? Well, wonder no more. Here is some sneak peak on how you too can be a businesswoman on eBay:

Is it Good Business to Begin a Company in a Bad Economy?

If you have been thinking about starting a new business, perhaps you are feeling like now is not the time given the economic pressures many countries continues to face. Then again, you may think what the heck.

For individuals who have been laid off, been out of work for some time, have a job but wanted to open a business, etc. now may actually be a great time to roll up their sleeves and dive right in.

Start a Business Today as an Online Entrepreneur in Four Easy Steps

Following these four simple to do, easy to understand steps will instantly help you start a business as an online entrepreneur. You just need around $20 or so for domain name registration and Web server hosting plus a few hours of your time today for conducting market research and pinpointing affiliate products and service offers to sell on your website.

Congratulations-It's A Business!

Imagine having a newborn dropped off on your doorstep wrapped only in a blanket with a note attached that reads, "Take care of me."

For the sake of argument say you wanted a baby so this is like a windfall. You bring the child in the house and it only takes a couple of moments to realize that you have no diapers and no formula, so out you go (or you send your husband) to buy the necessary items.

Are You Ready To Start A Business?

Are you ready to start your own business? A lot of people feel they are, but they haven't considered what running their own business will really entail. They are interested in setting their own work hours, not having a boss and having unlimited income potential. These items are the rose-colored glasses of owning your own business.

I'm going to share with you the five reality check questions I ask my fledgling entrepreneur clients.


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