April, 2011

Do computers stress you out? 3 ways to get a handle on changing technology

While technology changes at light speed, people change in steps.  In a digital world, we're finding it more and more difficult just to keep up - much less to actually use change to our advantage.  Today, change is so intense, I believe it's more accurately described as "disruption."  

Key Ingredients for Small Business Success in a Dying Economy

With the economy changing drastically over the past few years and the instability of the world’s resources, you gotta admit, it’s a bit difficult to take a risk in these unpredictable times. What then can you stock up on to keep your business afloat?

1. A solid goal. Knowing exactly what you want is the first thing because with it comes your strategy. How are you going to go about it Create a business plan that is both realistic and feasible. The business plan is your ground work and everything that comes after it should be part of the written document. It will be good to refer to it as you move along; especially if you need to keep yourself on track.

Focus on Increasing Customer Loyalty to Increase Small Business Revenue

Working with small businesses on a daily basis has given me a deep appreciation for the impact that loyal customers and brand advocates can have on a business.  It is important for small businesses to use their resources and time to keep their loyal customers loyal.

Generating brand, product and service advocates is paramount for small businesses seeking to grow company revenue and meet long-term growth goals.  Working with small businesses on a daily basis has given me a deep appreciation for the impact that loyal customers and brand advocates can have on a business.  It is important for small businesses to use their resources and time to keep their loyal customers loyal.