November, 2012

10 Steps to Effective Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing is a much more effective method of building a business than the typical pushy salesman approach.  Making the sale should not be your immediate goal.  Connecting with your prospect and building a relationship is what should be foremost in your marketing strategy.  You want to accomplish a long-term relationship with your customer not just a quick sale. 

Your Small Business, Are You Thinking Too Small?

One big problem many small business owners and new start up's run into is quite simply thinking too small. Quite often I have readers writing to me asking for help getting their business ideas off the ground. I also often hear from people who have run their small businesses into the ground. There are a few key areas where you can be thinking too small and doom your business to failure.

Why More And More Internet Companies Are Failing And How To Prevent This

Online companies come and go and lately, these businesses have been coming and going a lot more rapidly. Unrealistic expectations of business ownership and even the Internet itself have lent to the demise of many commercial entities. Following are a few of the top reasons why many web-based endeavors are failing and tips on how you can avoid losing your ground while building your business.

Falling Asleep in Staff Training? Wake up with Learning Management Systems

As a business owner, it is important to keep your employees well informed on up-to-date business developments, training and information. In the past this has been done with long drawn out training meetings where employees paid attention and the job got done. However, the business practices of the 1980’s are no longer viable and in today’s modern world of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and the hundreds of other attention grabbing websites, cell phone apps and tablet games out there, business owners need to find another way of educating and training their employees.

Would a Business Partner Make Sense?

For those individuals who run small businesses or have the desire to do such, the thought of having a partner may cross their minds from time to time.

On one hand, having a partner can lessen both the time demands and financial requirements that come with running a small company. On the other hand, you can find it difficult sometimes to agree on matters ranging from looking to grow the business to hiring the next employee.

5 Tips for Starting a Blog

A blog is a brilliant way to promote a business. Whatever your product or service, running a blog alongside the business is hugely beneficial.

Run a restaurant? Blog about food and recipes. Sell football boots? Blog about football. Work as an accountant? Blog about the new tax laws.

How To Love And Nurture The Inevitability Of Change In Your Business

Change is inevitable and every company owner knows this. Unfortunately, not all businesses react to the need for transition in the most proactive ways. Learning how to embrace this need, however, is vital for the success and the longevity of your endeavor. If you do not start moving with the natural flow of commerce you are likely to suffer the worst possible consequences.

Selling a Small Business With Business Brokers

Are you a company owner? There are some choices when thinking to sell. It can usually boil down to selling your firms confidentially or with the help of a business broker. Your final aim to sell a company should be getting the best price. You should get the services of one of the best business brokers when selling a firm. Business brokers generally get a database of possible commercial buyers ready. You will be just waiting for their call when your business for sale goes with your requirements. You will find different business for sale websites online which will help you with your sale, but you might need to pay a small fee for this service. If you do have sufficient experience to sell your businesses you should go for this method. Your next step should be finding one of the best business brokers.

Follow The Money: How Small Businesses Get Funding

Finding the cash to launch your business or keep it running is not an easy task. Whether you are reaching into your pocketbook (or someone else's), borrowing money from a bank or seeking a cash-heavy investor, every enterprenuer knows that without cash, success is out of reach.

Cyber Monday - 5 Ways to Get Great Deals on Business Electronics

Some people relish in the idea of beating the mobs of shoppers on Black Friday to the best deals a store has to offer. With the increase in usage of the internet for making purchases, Cyber Monday has quickly become the preferred method for many holiday shoppers and business owners. Many business owners prefer to do their “fighting for deals” virtually and in the comfort of their own homes.