How to Get Started
A great business starts with a business idea. The idea doesn’t have to start out big, but it must have the potential to be big. In a world where people basically make money off of anything, the potential in something you love to do could most likely blow up.
Take a talent you have. Could be sowing for example, maybe you are a great sower. You’ve sown holes in your shirts, maybe your roommate’s shirt once. That’s a place to start even if you don’t think it is, it is. Now that you have chosen that talent to work with, work with it, get better at it, practice, get faster at it, then start doing more advanced ways of sewing. Decide to take on a bigger project and maybe buy some fabric at a fabric store and attempt to sew a dress. You’ll probably mess up a couple times and get frustrated, but that’s all about the process of getting better at something, sometimes you have to fail a couple times first.