Could You Properly Manage Employees?

Running a business takes a number of talents, talents which are not always easily obtained.

In order to best oversee a company, having as much hands-on experience and education in managing employees is crucial. That said are you comfortable when you look at your education and skills in order to open and run a business down the road?

If you have the itch to start your own business, having the skillset in place to oversee employees can’t be overlooked. While many people end up running their own shows, many others find it necessary to hire full or part-time help before too long. In doing so, knowing how to work with different personalities and talents is imperative.

So, could you properly manage employees?

Training the Right Way to Be a Manager

In order for you to have employees under your wing and make it successful, it means dedicating yourself not only to instructing them, but also dealing with the varying personalities that are included.

For example, in the event you run a small financial services business; you will have customers of all types coming to you for help during the year.

Some will need help with financial questions in running their own businesses; others will require assistance with their personal taxes and so on. With those various clients comes varying personalities. That said those you manage have differing personalities, not to mention ways of handling clients. Making sure you match your employees with the right clients is important, especially if you want to have those clients continuing to use your business.

This is a perfect example of where your management training over time comes into play. Being able to make the right calls, foresee any potential problems, and react to any issues that may come to the forefront are all important.

Identifying Potential Issues Before They Occur

One of the important facets of being a successful business owner who oversees others is identifying potential issues before they take place.

Having an organizational behavior master’s degree will give you more knowledge and depth when it comes to the human components of running a business.

For example, not all those individuals you hire over time will work out for this or that reason. By having as much education as possible in terms of organizational behavior, you are more adept at knowing what to look for during interviews. When screening job applicants, you want to look for the following:

  • Individuals that have a passion for the job and company they’re applying to;
  • Individuals that have people personalities;
  • Individuals that have the ability to remain calm under pressure;
  • Individuals that seem like they would be good team players.

Identifying such individuals during a 20-minute interview can of course prove challenging. In some cases, applicants may even put on a front just in order to get the position. Once again, this is where your educational background can (and should) play a major role. Being able to tell if this or that individual would be a good fit in your company’s culture is critical. One reason for this is avoiding going through a revolving door of workers, something that ultimately costs you more money.

Skills to Last You a Lifetime

When you attain an organizational behavior master’s degree, you and your business are the better for it.

For anyone that has ever run a business over the years, they can tell you all the pressures and challenges that come with it. Sure, the rewards can be far and great in being your own boss. That said knowing how to interact with each and every employee you manage oftentimes determines just how successful you will be.

If your organizational and management traits and skills need some growth, increasing your education may be just the right call.

It also may be what ultimately makes your business a success.

About the author

Dave Thomas writes for a variety of websites on topics such as human resources and running a small business.


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