Do My Workers Know How to Deal with the Media?

Not every small business has to deal with the media, but it is better to be prepared than face the risk of getting negative publicity.

The media can make or break a business, and it is important to make sure that your employees are able to deal with media personnel without jeopardizing the reputation of your company.

Here is a guide on how to turn your employees into media relations experts.

Choosing the Right Media Relations Representatives

If your company has to deal with the media frequently or is involved in a lengthy investigation, it may be a good idea to form a media relations team.

Having media relations specialists in your company enables you to control communication with the media more effectively.

To form a formidable media relations team, you need to select people who have all the necessary traits and abilities to deal with the media. Media relations representatives need to have outstanding communication and public speaking skills, a quick and agile mind, good sense of judgment and tact, and a professional appearance and demeanor.

They also need to possess good writing skills, because they will be required to produce press releases, news stories and other media materials, as well as communicate via email.

How Should Your Employees React to the Media?

Whether your employees need to communicate with the media to generate publicity or assist in an investigation, there are certain things that they can do to create a favorable impression of your company.

Respond Promptly

Journalists are typically busy people, and they will certainly appreciate quick responses to their inquiries.

By responding promptly, your employees will give them the impression that your company is cooperative and professional.

Be Personable and Professional

It is important to make a genuine connection with journalists if you need them to create publicity for your company.

However, if you are under investigation or required to provide sensitive information, it may be better for your employees to adopt a more professional attitude.

Try to Be Helpful

Make it easier and more pleasant for journalists to work with your company.

Your employees should try to be flexible when they are arranging meetings or telephone conversations with journalists. When they are asked questions, they should provide as much information as they can.

However, they should be more restrained if the information requested is sensitive.

Get to the Point

Since time is precious for journalists, your employees should deal with them in a straightforward and efficient manner.

During conversations, it is best that they do not spend more than 10 minutes on one question. When they are writing emails, they should limit the length of each paragraph to two or three sentences to facilitate easy reading.

Being helpful and respectful to the media can be very beneficial to your business.

Good publicity can help your company stand out from your competitors and gain the trust of your potential customers.

About the author

John McMalcolm is a freelance writer who writes on a wide range of subjects, from social media marketing to Cloud computing.


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