Finalist Q&A: Spring Fever Outdoor Living Center
Spring Fever carry ergonomic tools, rare seed and plants, pottery from around the world and quality embellishments to adorn any style of garden. They also provide landscape design and install landscapes and hardscapes of all styles.
How did you come up with the idea for your business, and what, or who, is your main source of motivation?
Spring Fever’s core business is gardening. I have studied gardening and plants my whole life. It was a natural fit to have as a business because of my knowledge base. I have two main motivations, my father and grandmother. I was hooked on gardening when I was two years old helping my dad plant peas in the garden. My father was a farmer and we had a vegetable garden that consisted of two acres. He died when I was four and the main memories I have with him were in the garden. My grandmother had huge iris and rose gardens. I spent a lot of time with her after my dad died and she continued his legacy with me. She survived breast cancer twice and lived to be 96 years old. She spent every moment she could in the garden as a source of therapy. I continue in the world of horticulture as a tribute to my father and grandmother.
What is a unique feature of your business?
Spring Fever is unique from many points of view. We have a landscape division and a retail garden center. The landscape side is unique because of the projects we take on. They are very detailed and meticulous, especially in the realm of block and pavers. The retail side is unique because we are the only store of our kind in our market; the products we carry are rare and of high quality and the staff has special knowledge of gardening to offer.
What are your thoughts on the connection between small business and the local community?
When you start a business, you have to think of how it will connect to the community even in your business plan. The local community is your main source of customers. If you fulfill a need at reasonable price, they will patronize you forever. We do many projects with the local chamber of commerce, school system, arbor society and civic groups. You have to be visible. Helping do good in the community will always be good for business.
Why should the Idea Cafe regulars vote for you?
We are like many of the regulars here. We are forward thinking with nostalgia for the past. Spring Fever focuses on surrounding ourselves with people who are successful. Even if they are not in our industry, the people that frequent the Idea Cafe give great advice and truly want to see the regulars succeed. We are grateful for what we have learned so far and hope to be a blessing to others as this site evolves.
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