New Security Basics for Website Owners

Running a successful website requires a lot of regular maintenance, but it is extremely important for the prosperity of a business or organization. While there are a lot of housekeeping tasks to take care of on a website, one of the most important tasks of a functioning site is keeping them secure. As we creep further into the 21st century, the rates of cybercrime are higher than ever. There is a wealth of information stored in cyberspace, which makes it a constant target for cybercriminals. While there are various security software applications that can help decrease your site’s chances of being hacked, cybercriminals continue to find ways through standard website security. This means websites must continually update and check for malware to avoid becoming victims of cybercrime.

Malware Awareness 

Cybercrime has the ability to destroy the reputability of a business, as well as to erase data that your website or company may not be able to function without. Therefore, it’s important to know how to check your site for various types of malware, as there are many different kinds and they can all look very different — although they often have telltale signs. If your company is a multi-person operation, it’s important to make sure your colleagues can all recognize signs of malware to stop it as soon as it is noticed.


Some common signs of website malware include:

  • Your account login information was changed without your consent.
  • Your website files were modified or deleted without your knowledge.
  • Your website freezes or crashes.
  • You’ve experienced a noticeable change to your search engine results, such as blacklisting or harmful content warnings.
  • You’ve experienced a rapid drop or increase in traffic.


If you notice any signs that you might be the victim of cyber crime, take a few preventative measures to avoid exacerbating the problem, such as using URL scanner software to tell you if your site has been flagged for malware, a website scanner that will automatically search for and remove malware, and searching your website’s code for any URL or code that looks out of place. Basic coding skills are helpful in spotting issues and getting the right people involved to address them. Website security best practices suggest keeping backups of your website any time you make a change so if you do get hacked, you’ll be able to restore your site.

Password Security 

Cybercriminals are always looking for the easiest way to break into a site, which is usually right through the front door. While it’s difficult to imagine how someone could guess the random combination of numbers you attach to a childhood memory, there are ways to quickly narrow down passwords, which is why many websites no longer give leeway for password strength. Where a simple pin previously sufficed, an assortment of capital and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols is now mandated. Companies with highly sensitive data change their passwords multiple times a week to not give hackers the time they need to break through their passwords.


Changing your passwords regularly is one step to keeping your business website secure. In order to keep your website, client, and employee data safe, it’s important to take initiative and incorporate company policies that require the regular updating of passwords. This can often be a tiresome process as it can be difficult to remember complicated passwords. However, it should bring you peace of mind to know your website is significantly less likely to be attacked if you are taking these precautions. Keep updated passwords written down in a secure location in order to avoid forgetting or losing them, and don’t cycle through the same passwords as this can also increase your chances of being hacked.

Bring Your Own Device Security 

Many businesses now run almost entirely online because business matters can often be handled entirely over the internet. As convenient as this is, it means website security is even more important to these businesses. As young businesses and startups are thrown together using whatever technology an entrepreneur has, it’s important to take extra precautions when using personalized devices. Technology is easier to hack when there is a variable change, such as the use of various internet networks. Wifi networks, especially public ones, are not always secure, and it may be a large risk to send sensitive information while connected to one. Even by logging into your website while on an unsecure network, your login information could be hijacked.


If you allow employees to work from their own devices, which is becoming more common as more companies allow employees to work remotely, it’s important to take preventative steps to avoid data and privacy loss. According to Washington State University, 22 percent of employees don’t feel they are obligated to safeguard their employer’s data. In order to convey the importance of secure connections and wariness of emails, it’s important that company executives stress the importance of internet security with their employees and colleagues. Taking a leading role in your company’s security sets the example of care and sensitivity that should be dedicated to website security.


Whether you’re keeping an eye out for malware, changing your passwords regularly, or being a leader in secure connectivity, taking steps to keep your website secure is extremely important to the success, sustainability and reputability of your site. Whether you’re handling your clients’ sensitive data or your own, basic security protocol can prevent precious and private data from falling into the wrong hands.


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