The NFL Embraces New Technology: iPads, Twitter, and more
As a member of the online marketing industry, new technology is part of my everyday life. I use my iPhone, my iPad, and my arsenal of other gadgets on a daily basis. But, my tech junky ways aside, it's also part of my job. The online marketing industry wouldn’t be what it is without it. Other industries that don't depend on technology, though, aren't always as quickly to embrace change.
Last year, I read a Wall Street Journal article on the NFL's use of technology, or lack thereof. For a sport that was the first to use instant replay and incorporate film into their practice sessions, the National Football League has been rather slow to adopt the latest technological advancements--until now.
Over the past year, the NFL has acknowledged that the game will have to change with technology, and they've been much more receptive to the new devices and platforms out there. And, as an online marketer who tends to look at the business side of football as well as the entertainment side, this is exciting to say the least.
Ditching Paper Playbooks
Coaches and coordinators live and die by their playbook. Understandably, it's not something they want to mess with. However, there comes a point when lugging around a 300-page book looks silly when the coach across the field has everything he needs and more on his tablet.
Last year, Baltimore and Tampa Bay both went digital, and this year it looks like even more teams are interested in ditching the playbook for the tablet. Once coaches realize how much time, energy, and money they can save with a more secure and more useful resource like a tablet, I'm sure we'll see nearly all teams jump on board.
Discover the NFL on Twitter
The NFL, which has implemented some of its own rules regarding players and the use of social media, recently launched a "Get-Started Page" on Twitter.
Omid Ashtari, Head of Sports and Entertainment at Twitter, announced on the company's blog that fans will have a chance to get closer with their favorite teams and athletes. It's quite similar to the popular Olympic Athletes' Hub that the IOC set up in conjunction with Twitter. The page is pretty awesome--for the seasoned Twitter veteran and the novice alike.
How Twitter Helps the NFL and Its Players
Majority of players have built up sizeable audiences on Twitter. They use the platform to connect with fans, promote the team, and promote charities they're affiliated with. It's become both part of the game and part of their/their team's branding.
Sportscasters often incorporate tweets from players in their commentary. Whether it's some trash talk from Ochocinco or a genuine reaction to the game, it provides a new layer of insight from the players on their sport. Never before have fans been able to get this kind of connection with the players they love, and that's something both the sport and the NFL as a business can profit from.
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