Semi-finalist Q&A:Mason's Mongrel's
Mason's Mongrel's provides dog training and obedience instruction for dogs and their families. They teach only positive training methods,and amichien bonding techniques. Information from their grant application is available here. Read below for more, and if you have questions for our semi-finalists don't hesitate to ask them in the comments section.
Also, don't forget to cast your vote! YOUR vote will determine which entrepreneurs most deserve to be amongst the finalists.
How did you come up with the idea for your business?
It was always in the back of my mind and embedded in my heart as long as I can remember. I have trained my own dogs and those of my friends and family since I was a little girl. It took a while since I wanted the education credentials to back me up before I started advertising. I went back to school and got my certification about two years ago, while I teach night classes myself.
What makes your business unique?
I work with dogs of all breeds and ages. No dog is ever removed from their family. We all learn and work together, and I have been a part in saving many dogs from an unneccessary euthanasia because the dogs and their owners didn't understand one another. My philosopy comes from an old chinese proverb: Tell me, I'll forget, Show me I may remember, but Involve me and I will understand.
Why do you think it will be a success?
Because I will not let it be otherwise. With each success I get a renewed faith in what I am doing. When the families realise their dog as a true family member and a light comes on in the dogs eyes that it's family can communicate with them, A bond develops and strenghtens.It is truly amazing.
What are some of your top business-related accomplishments, or business lessons learned?
I was a real job getting my property rezoned before I could even think of building a facility there. It was pretty exhausting. But once it was done it was an awesome feeling of accomplishment. Filling out for this grant was also a big step for me. I've always worked hard and been very blessed but never considered myself very lucky, I guess.
Why should the Idea Cafe regulars vote for you?
I need this facility. It will provide training for families and their pets, save the lives of dogs and free up shelter money to be used in other ways. In other words I am trying to teach man's best friend how to cohabitate with dog's best friend, for the good of all concerned. Thank You..
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