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How to maximize your Facebook presence

One really important channel for any brand is Facebook. Many companies are struggling to keep their online presence through this channel alive. One helping hand would be to use a tool to push your marketing.

One such a tool that you could use is Qwaya.  A Facebook ads manager acts like a hub for all your advertisement through the market place and you can also use it for stories, called sponsored stories. Let’s have a look at how the Qwaya tool works and how you can use this for maximizing your presence:

Facebook Updates its Advertising Using Content from Users

When it comes to advertising, it's said that there is usually nothing better than the strategy of word of mouth.  Hearing about a product or a service from a trusted friend or even an acquaintance is likely to help you drop your resistance to that item and open your wallet or pocketbook.  As in the real world (brick and mortar), many businesses on the web are also looking for a way to leverage word of mouth for advertising purposes and one of the newest co

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