Google Places

Ranking small business in Google places

Have you claimed a Google places page for your business? Small business owners don't see the importance of Google places page, you need to have a Google places page for your business and ensure that it is ranked high to be visited by many, bring to you new customers and attract more leads to your company. Your business website can serve as a perfect marketing tool for your company when you get to know how to drive targeted traffic to it. Small and successful businesses have used this to further succeed in their ventures.

Local Search Marketing with Google Places: 7 Ways to Get More Clicks & More Business Guaranteed

If you want better search engine results (and more clicks, and more business), and you haven't paid attention to "Google Places," you need to do so right away.

Why You Need to Claim Your Spot on Google Places

* Google has stated that one out of five searches on Google is related to location. That translates to 2.6 billion "local" searches a month, and that number is increasing 50% per year. (Yes, that's "Billion"-with a "B.")

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