small business story

One Month into the New Year - How is it going for you? What are you doing differently?

We are into the second month of a new year, how is it going? Are those new year’s resolutions just a faded memory? Are you still doing the same things you did last year. Have you even taken a closer look at what you did last year? We can all admit that it’s been a pretty rough ride for most business owners, regardless of the size of your business, big or small.

Monthly update from Go Green Go: Challenges, Goals, Accomplishments!

What are the challenges, goals and accomplishments that a new business like Go Green Go faces? Sometimes the challenges, goals and accomplishments are all the same thing! Example - Decision Making! Last month I wrote about the decision making process that I went through while developing the company. The longer that I continue to develop the company, I realize that decision making will always be a part of the process. The challenge is to make decisions, the goal is to make decisions and the accomplishment is that decisions were made. Then we start all over again with a new set of circumstances. I’m probably not telling you anything you don’t already know! One of the decisions that I committed to early on in the development of the company was that this was going to be a “Grassroots” type of company.

The “Why” behind Go Green Go

If you read last month's update you know “HOW” Go Green Go came into existence. If you are new to Idea Café or have just stumbled upon this blog – you need to go back and read the “Evolution of Go Green Go. It’s a spellbinding and thrilling account of how Go Green Go came into being…….Ok, so I tend to exaggerate just a little.

So, without any further delay – on to the next riveting chapter in the Evolution of Go Green Go – the “WHY” behind the “HOW” of the company. On the surface, one would tend to answer the question of “Why?” with “That’s a no-brainer –to make money.” Not so fast. While that may be the main purpose of most companies, it was not the defining motive to start Go Green Go.

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