November, 2011

Online Retailers Expected to Host Weekend-Long Holiday Buying Opportunity

Cyber Monday is traditionally the day in which consumers kick-off the holiday buying season with online purchases.  Cyber Monday however may become Cyber Weekend this year because online retailers and merchants have largely invested in E-commerce, online ads and ramping up their website infrastructure throughout 2011.  More and more emphasis is being placed on online purchases versus in-store.  It’s easier, more cost-efficient for the seller and completely c

10 Simple Ways To Retain Customers Without Breaking The Bank

In this economy, it may seem like the competition for customers is stiffer than ever. Businesses are going to great lengths, and incurring great expense, to retain their customer base. When they are unable to financially sustain this practice, some are forced to close their doors. Here are some ways to retain customers without breaking the bank. The corporate account will remain intact, allowing the business to stay in operation.

How to Increase Your Retail ROI on the Black Friday Foot Traffic

Hopefully you will see a large influx of foot traffic during the holidays. But with that in mind the question becomes are you fully leveraging the amount of people that are going to be in your retail store. In this holiday Marketing article we are going to go into a simple little tactic to make sure that more of the people that walk into your store end up spending money with you. Here is the thing a lot of people are going to walk into your store feel like what you have to offer is worth them buying right away... but they are going to want to check another location to see if they can get a better deal. The one exception to this rule is if the product you are selling is such a great deal that your customer is afraid someone else will buy it. Normally the only way to do this is by cutting prices and cutting your margins.

How to Create a Marketing Plan to Meet Your Goals

As you think back over the last year of your business, are you pleased with your results? I hope so. I am proud of what you accomplished and you should be too! Are there some goals that you didn't quite reach? If so, you're not alone! Being goal oriented and stretching yourself is part of being an entrepreneur. But, for a variety of reasons, sometimes you miss the mark and don't get the exact results you were looking for.

Ranking small business in Google places

Have you claimed a Google places page for your business? Small business owners don't see the importance of Google places page, you need to have a Google places page for your business and ensure that it is ranked high to be visited by many, bring to you new customers and attract more leads to your company. Your business website can serve as a perfect marketing tool for your company when you get to know how to drive targeted traffic to it. Small and successful businesses have used this to further succeed in their ventures.

Social Media Marketing For The Holiday Season

Making the Most of the Holiday Season

Although consumer budgets continue to remain tight this year, online retailers have little reason to worry. Consumers, who previously thronged brick and mortar stores during the holiday season, are shifting their focus to online shopping. What is attracting these shoppers to online stores? In addition to the convenience of saying goodbye to the crowded stores catering to last-minute-shoppers, the availability of discounts is a big crowd-puller. According to the 2011 Holiday Shopper Survey:

How To Bring More Success To E-Commerce Business

The holidays are certainly coming near, and one can see the signs everywhere. Stores displaying their wares, holiday sales and promotions, and holiday decorations are all there for the eyes to see. This is especially true in the world of e-commerce. One thing is also for sure: this form of business has changed the way companies sell their products and services. People nowadays are finding more to their convenience to make purchases on-line. This is the reason why websites are cropping up everyday. Of course, like all businesses that use computers, reliable servers are needed. That's why cloud hosting services are so much in demand. Cloud hosting service providers are a powerful business tool that online companies can use to improve their operating capacity and level of service for their customers.