September, 2014

Do I Hire Someone with an Online Degree?

When reviewing applicants, many employers look at the education section with barely a glance as long as they have a degree. However, if they recognize the school as an online degree program, it may cause them to pause.

Should they hire someone who went to college "online" or will that person be qualified?

Mom Bloggers: Easy Tips

Venturing into the world of blogging is a step that many moms take. Whether they work outside of the home and want extra money, love to write as a hobby or wish to take on a job that lets them stay in the house with their little ones, blogging provides a creative avenue for accomplishing such goals. Setting aside time for blogging and finding a niche are two important tips to keep in mind.

Most Effective Tips and Tools to Keep Your Small Business Organized

Some people are very organized by nature, whereas others are more scattered-brained and this can have a huge impact on productivity, workflow, and overall success in business. On the one hand, having that abstract and artistic way of viewing the world can help when it’s time to be creative, but when it’s time to buckle down and really get things done, it can be a huge hindrance to not be completely organized.

Can the Cloud Have a Positive Impact on Your Business?

Clouds are everywhere in the business world lately - cloud computing that is.

From sharing documents and applications to creating a more business-friendly infrastructure, the all-powerful Cloud is making the business world a more accessible place.

When it comes to computing efficiency, here are just a few ways the Cloud is beneficial to your business….

Get the Best Ideas on Health Insurance

Studies show that more job candidates are looking at benefits, especially health insurance, along with salary when considering jobs.

A company that provides an above-average benefits package is going to have a better selection of job applicants when posting a job.

Let's face it, insurance isn't cheap.

Best 7 Government Programs To Start A Business Or Take It To The Next Level

Searching Google is the worst place to start looking for free help to start or grow any business. 

Look, I just searched “Money For Business” and got…