May, 2015

Google Glass and Your Customer Service Initiatives

According to a report released by Statista, the net worth of the wearable device market is expected to reach approximately $12.6 billion by 2018.

Additionally, Forrester predicted that the number of people around the world using wearable devices will rise threefold over the next 12 months. One of the wearable devices that are seeing increased adoption is Google Glass.

Time for a Business Makeover?

Whether 2014 had been a good or bad year for your small business, you should make a conscious effort to achieve greater success this year.

If most aspects of your business seem to be running smoothly, perhaps you only need to make a few tweaks here and there to maximize your business results. However, if your company has many weaknesses, limitations or problems, you may want to consider giving it a makeover.

Offline Marketing: Why you should never limit yourself to Online Advertising

Milan Kundera's advice in terms of marketing is one of the biggest inspirations for people who set out with their business ventures. "Business has only two functions- marketing and innovation", he said, and this has indeed been the case for thousands of people who have been able to turn their hard work and passion into success.

5 Types of Computer Specialists for Your Emerging Company

Maybe you are looking to expand your IT department or produce that next bit of revolutionary software. The brains behind the code, installation, configuration and administration of your in-house computer systems will typically compose a team of individuals with all sorts of credentials and certifications attached to their names. When looking to hire new talent, it may not be initially clear which computer specialist does what or why you need them. The following is an overview of five computer specialists of whom your emerging company might want to consider hiring.

Hoop Dreams

I don’t want to disappoint you, but I guess I’m not really much of a sports fan.

Out of the “Big Four,” I have just a passing interest in football, zero interest in baseball and, despite having attended college in wonderful Montreal, a negative interest in hockey (that is to say, my level of interest would have to increase for me to have no interest).

Working From Home Moms

Until quite recently, women had to choose between two life paths: to dedicate themselves to their family or to pursue a successful career. This sacrifice is something that caused (and still causes) an internal conflict. Women who want to have both find themselves in an unfavorable position – those who decide not to have a family deny themselves a beautiful experience and those who decide not to go back to work often regret that later, when their children grow up. Although there are still some women who feel like this, today’s career possibilities enabled us to have it all – most women decide to work from home and keep their careers.

Reasons for Successful Entrepreneurs To Go Back To School

A large number of successful and well-known entrepreneurs have either dropped out of college or skipped college altogether to start their respective businesses. While the opportunity to start a business might have presided over their need to finish college at the time, completing a degree comes with a variety of benefits that any entrepreneur can use to their advantage.