Tailoring Your E-commerce Store for Success

The world of ecommerce has opened up a lot of opportunities for growth and development of new business’. First of all, with each passing day, millennials are making more and more of a market, and it is not a secret that they prefer everything digital. Apart from that e-stores offer a lot of advantages over traditional retail, like being active 24/7 and providing superb communication connection with one’s clients. Still, there are few tricks that you will have to master in order to make it in this highly competitive line of work. Here are some tips and tricks that we hope you might find to be of assistance.

Versatility of Payment

First great thing about ecommerce is that it allows your clients great versatility of payment. This means that they won’t have to rely on cash when they can use their credit card, debit card, mobile payment or even an online payment gateway. The best thing about this is that more payment options means more sales. According to some statistics having enough different payment methods can increase your sales for more than 40%. Whether this is a result of better customer experience (CX) or just overall improved practicality, still remains somewhat of a mystery.

Highly Responsive Website

One of the most important things on your e-store is the issue of your website’s performance. It would be safe to assume that your website’s performance is tightly connected to the image your clients will have about your business. Therefore, in order to set things right you need to find the right website management platform. The toughest choice here is WordPress vs. Magento. Still, according to experts employed in a digital agency from Sydney, when it comes to e-store management, Magento is more niche specific and therefore more suitable. Just keep in mind that your e-store deserves nothing but the best.

Simple and Efficient

As we already mentioned, the success of ecommerce can mostly be owed to its practicality. Because of that, you need to find a way to keep your website simple and efficient. Start by keeping your e-store inventory easy to navigate and browse and this will consequently make it easier to maintain as well. A clear win-win scenario if there ever was one. Proceed to make a purchase and delivery as quick and clean as possible. What you want here is the same thing that your clients desire: The ability to just buy what they need in second’s notice and without any complications.

Social Media Integration

Apart from connecting one with the online community, social media are also an efficient sales method. Putting your product on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram and then linking towards that particular product (or category) on your website is a great way to improve your sales. E-stores may sometimes seem as too pushy, so being able to see your product in a different environment can give people a new perspective on it. This can really be a lot of help, in any way more than you can afford to turn down.

Ecommerce as it is, is already a fertile ground for success, so why not make it work even more to your benefit by optimizing your website in just the right way. All you need to do is integrate as many payment systems to it as you can (here, there is no such thing as too many), optimize your website to fit its purpose better and of course link towards it as much as you possibly can. In this way, you will increase your sales many times over in as natural and straightforward way as you possibly can.

About the author

Dan Radak is a marketing professional with eleven years of experience. He is a coauthor on several websites and regular contributor to BizzMark Blog. Currently, he is working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies.


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