Tunnel Your Way to a Better Brand

Your marketing funnel is supposed to be designed to turn prospects into customers. However, that is not always the case.

A leaky funnel is more about guess than statistics.

You hope your marketing efforts pay off, but you aren't sure. Your business doesn't have to function that way. Instead, you can make the right moves that ensure prospects convert.


Importance of Analytics

To know what is working in your funnel (and what isn't), you must track information.

You start out knowing the number of your total leads.

Then, you determine how many of those leads become done deals. You also analyze the size of each deal that is closed and the ones that "get away."


You can further investigate which sales personnel have the best numbers and where the leads are lost in the process.

As you gain more information, you can better adjust your strategy to improve the numbers.


Fix Your Mistakes

Once you determine what isn't working, you need to fix those mistakes to improve the numbers.

As the article, “7 Things You Need to Fix in Your Marketing Funnel” says, direct marketing doesn't work for today's consumers the way it did with previous generations. That is just one example of a mistake that you may be making in your funnel.

Another issue that is common with businesses is that they focus only on getting new leads rather than nurturing them through the process. Most leads do not convert immediately, but take time to become conversions.

When a business focuses only on getting new leads while losing a large percentage of them before they convert, it says that there is something wrong with the process further down the line. The prospects may feel ignored or they may lack the information to take the next step.

Figure out why they are falling away and turning to your competition and you will see the conversion rate increase.


Don't Get Too Comfortable

When you find something that works, don't assume it is always going to work.

If you get too comfortable with your funnel, you will wake up one day to discover that it is outdated and doesn't meet your goals. People change, technology changes, and with it, so must your business.

You must continually review your funnel and your business goals.

While analytics is important to help you discover what went wrong, it is even more important to tell you what is going right.

Review your information to see when things are less effective even though the end results are still where you want them to be. If you can catch any issues before they become big problems, you can fix them before it hurts your business.


Don't let your leads walk away instead of becoming customers.

Figure out what isn't working with your funnel and make the necessary changes to improve the reputation of your brand.

Make every lead count and you will spend more time with current customers instead of searching for new ones.

About the author

Joyce Morse is an author who writes on a variety of topics, including marketing and technology.


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