Social Media Marketing in 2017 - Strategies That are Gaining Momentum

Social networking sites have grown tremendously and every other person can be seen online on some networking site at given point of time. With more than 1.86 billion active Facebook users monthly, it would be foolish to ignore such a big arena to promote yourself. Similar is the situation for other sites viz. Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Snap (earlier Snapchat), Instagram, etc.

How to Help Your Small Company Stay Under Budget

Entrepreneurs involved with small startups know that the challenges of staying within budgetary guidelines can be daunting. You have to have the startup capital to get started, and spending on all the essentials doesn’t leave a lot of room for extra cash. There is no substitute for careful planning and at least a dose of professional advice where needed. Here are a few tricks to keep your new venture under budget.

Why Penetration Testing is Vital for Start Up E-Commerce Businesses

If you run a small start-up e-commerce business, one thing you might not have considered doing is penetration testing.

This vital service helps to protect you against cyber-attacks and identifies any weak spots in your systems or network. So, what are the benefits of stopping a cyber-attack before it happens and how can penetration testing protect your business?

4 Tips for Writing Effective Articles for Affiliate Marketing Success

Wondering how to attract customers to your website and increase revenue online by adding more loyal customers? Well, this is one of the most commonly asked questions by bloggers who are trying to win customers' loyalty and increase customer base with article marketing. Marketers generally keep a track of their sales, clicks, impressions, etc by using an affiliate management software or affiliate tracking system. But often writing articles for affiliate marketing is always underrated.

6 Transportation Startup Ideas You Could Start Right Now

Transportation businesses are never on the decline. Times may change but people still need to move from one place to another. If you are thinking of offering these services, it is always best to start small. The following ideas may represent the best opportunities for you.

1. Towing Service

You do not need hundreds of towing trucks in order to establish a towing service company. One can always get the job done.

Choosing a Location for Your Small Business

Choosing where to base your small business depends in great part on the type of business you will be running. The ideal requirements for starting a manufacturing plant are quite different from those involved in entering the field of software development or the arts. The key components to consider are operating costs, talent pool, and product or service demand.

5 Best Ecommerce Platforms For Your Online Store

Whether you’re trying to find the best pre-ordering option available on the e-commerce marketplace, or you want to find out how your online store will interact with the warehouse setup, these are a number of different e-commerce solutions to choose from. As the average consumers rely on convenience and time management when it comes to purchasing products and services, serving their needs with a satisfying e-commerce experience becomes a real necessity. This is why we’ve listed the top 5 e-commerce platform you can use to maximize the sale potential of your new online store.

7 Ways to Re-Engage a Visitor Exiting Your Website

Driving traffic is an integral part of online marketing, but keeping these visitors engaged carries equal importance. Many marketers focus on getting people to come to a website, using paid traffic, SEO, and social media to encourage clicks. Fewer marketers, however, are as heavily involved in maximizing the results from each visitor by aiming to reduce the numbers that leave without taking action.

Advanced Blogging Tips – How a Blog Can Be Used to Supplement Your Marketing Efforts

There are many successful marketers now using blogs to supercharge their contents and thereby attracting more subscribers. Do you want to do the same? Successfully implementing innovative blogging strategies can yield impressive results for a business. If you are new to blogging, or have not had any luck with it in the past, here are some smart tips that will help you redefine your content marketing strategies and thereby giving a boost to your overall online marketing efforts.

Your Startup’s Website: A Complete Checklist

When you get your startup’s website right, it will do all the hard work for you.

It will generate new customers, clients and sales. It’s often the first impression your business makes. There’s a lot at stake when it comes to building your startup website.

As an entrepreneur, you’ve already got the vision to take your startup forward. You know how to generate profit, and you know your niche inside out.

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