Three Legal Pitfalls Small Businesses Can't Ignore

As a startup, your resources are spread thin.  With little money and few staffers, you need to decide which parts of your business really need attention.  For most, that means the website, advertising and staffing get priority.  But what about accounting and legal issues?  Many entrepreneurs turn a blind eye to these areas.  Money is tight, so you don’t want to pay an accountant or a lawyer. 

Examples of Advertising Your Entrepreneurship Can Take to Heart

The step up the ladder of business mobility from business owner to entrepreneur should begin with a serious review of your advertising strategies. As a business owner, your advertising may be somewhat business focused. Advertising your entrepreneurship comes with a very different set of strategies. There is a difference between being a business owner and becoming an entrepreneur. In a May 2014, Entrepreneur Magazine article this difference was defined as business owners who are mainly preoccupied with business functions, ideas, and business growth. Entrepreneurs are individuals who have big ideas beyond the realm of business. 

Avoiding the Payroll Headache

Creating a successful business takes more than a good idea. It also requires you to pay attention to a variety of details. One such detail that you can't ignore is doing payroll properly. If you make even a single mistake, it could anger your employees or draw the attention of state and federal tax agencies.

Don't Do Payroll By Hand

5 Compliance Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Startup

Starting a small business or a startup is riddled with rules and regulations, with paperwork and deadlines. Especially if this is your first time starting a business, there are many aspects to it that can cost you time, money and even your sleep.

From employment contracts to safety regulations or small business surety bonds, all of these can result in compliance mistakes if you're not careful. Here is a list of 5 common compliance mistakes for you to watch out for when starting your own business.

Give Ecommerce a Shot to Boost Business Revenue

How would you say your small business is doing with about three months left in the year?

For some, the answer would be fantastic or better than expected.

Others, meantime, may hesitate to answer, noting 2016 has not been the best of years for them.

6 Business Ideas For A Startup

Admit it. You’re burned out on the corporate world. You’re done with the long daily commute and spending hours of your day in traffic. You’re done with the backstabbing colleagues who steal credit for the work you’ve done. And to add insult to injury, the work is dull as dishwater, and you don’t get any respect or much of a paycheck either.

Is Fast Food Slowing Down? Five Growing Trends in Restaurants Today

Food trends in the United States seem to come and go quickly. Today’s kale obsession will be gone as quickly as yesterday’s all-protein diet. However, through it all, the American people have remained loyal to their numerous fast food chains. But even in this once dominant industry, changes are afoot, with a number of current trends affecting this formerly unflappable business.

3 Liabilities Small-Business Owners Need to Be Prepared For

A word like "liability" can be something of a small-business boogeyman. It seems liabilities are lurking around every corner, in every closet – maybe even under your bed.

Spooky stuff. But what is a liability, anyway?

In a nutshell, a liability is a situation in which you could be legally responsible for the physical or financial harm another person suffers. Everyone (not just businesses) has liabilities.

4 Tips for Transforming Your Office into a Space Employees and Clients Actually Enjoy

Home is where the heart is. But it doesn’t have to be the heart’s exclusive location. Companies like Google and Apple understand the need to transform the workspace into a place that inspires people to want to be there and do their best work.

When you initially set up your office, you very likely designed it with productivity in mind. Budget was probably also a factor. You picked up a few rows of cubicles from Cubicle Discount Emporium.

What You Need to Know Before You Join An MLM

The allure of fancy cars, hot women and piles of cash has compelled many opportunity seekers to try MLM. But as many people soon find out, MLM is a business, just like a franchise store or vending business. It takes time to build a significant monthly income, and you must work hard to get there. If you're thinking about joining an MLM business, here are some things to look for before spending your hard-earned cash.

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