4 Things Small Business Owners Should Know Before Renting an Office

For many small business owners, renting an office is a sign things are moving in the right direction. However, when renting an office, there are plenty of things business owners need to know. Considered one of a company's highest expenses, it's critical mistakes be kept to a minimum during this process. To make sure all goes well when it's time to rent an office, here are four of the most important points business owners should keep in mind.

How to Reduce Business Expenses

One of the most important goals a business owner can have, is to increase business profitability. Cutting expenses is one way to do it. However, this is not always easy to do, because sometimes it requires a lot of sacrifice. Nevertheless, with proper suggestions, the costs can be cut considerably.

Turn to Cloudsourcing

Hiring a new employee is one of the highest costs

Using E-mail to Sell – Not a Good Idea!

There are many salespeople that live by the belief that email is the true and only way to sell to new and existing customers. They feel that they can reach out to more customers and use email as a way to stay in touch. And there is some truth to this belief… however, for the most part, this is untrue. Or let me say it this way… it can be a lazy way to do your job. It is not a good idea to replace telephone calls and actual face-to-face meetings with emails when contacting a potential new client. Or even when staying in touch with an existing client. Some people use email to sell products, to avoid the humiliation of rejection. Also the major disadvantage of taking this approach is that there can be a possibility of not getting an email while awaiting a transaction related to a sales process.

Logistics of Outsourcing for Your Brand

The number of brands outsourcing their work is growing as the benefits of outsourcing become better known. By outsourcing, you can save money, relieve some of the pressure on your main staff, and focus more of your efforts on growing your brand and meeting your goals. But you can’t just decide to outsource and go to a single outsourcing website and create a successful strategy. You need to make sure that certain logistics are in place first.

Small Business SEO: How to Maximize Your Marketing Budget

If you're looking to advertise online, one of the popular methods you'll hear about is search engine optimization, commonly referred to as SEO. This article will explain what SEO is, outline potential costs, let you know the pros and cons of this type of advertising and help you determine if you need a professional service.

What is SEO?

SEO is an organic form of advertising, and the premise behind it is to signal to a search engine that your site is highly relevant to people searching for specific terms.

Health, Safety and Environmental Measures You Must Implement to Your Business

Running a business comes with many challenges and responsibilities. Not only do you have to take care of the business itself, but also think about your employees health and safety, alongside environmental issues. You never know whether some natural disaster will hit your office, or if some of your employees will steal from you. This is why you must try to minimize the risks to your business and implement certain health, safety and environmental measures.

No Detail Too Small: 4 Things That Can Make or Break Any Small Business

When you are running a small business, you need to make sure that you have all of the odds in your favor. Most small businesses fail within the first 3-5 years. This is why it is important to research what can doom a small business to fail. Learning about the things that can cause a small business to fail will help you avoid the pitfalls that many small business owners run into.

Small Business Owners Seek Flexibility over Money

A common misconception about entrepreneurs is that they are looking to build an empire, with money serving as their primary motivator. But money may not be the “carrot” driving small business owners forward. In fact, the eighth annual DNA of an Entrepreneur Report from Hiscox, which surveyed over 1,000 business owners, actually found that U.S. entrepreneurs are not driven primarily by their financial success. The report reveals that only 37 percent of U.S. small business owners cite the ‘opportunity to make more money’ as a key reason they wanted to be their own boss.

4 Workspace Declutter Tools That Will Increase Your Productivity

If you feel as if your employees are simply not as productive as you would like them to be, the problem could be with how your office is set up. If your office is filled with clutter, there are a few essential tools you will need to use to eliminate as much clutter as possible. 

Organizing Cables

55 Features Every Small Business Website Must Have (Infographic)

Websites are a must for businesses of all sizes today -- though, it may come as a surprise but almost half of small businesses don’t have websites. There are so many websites out there that it can be tough to know how to stand out what layout, color scheme and features to choose.

To make it simple, MyWebProgrammer have made an infographic that shows 55 features every small business website must have. Have a look:

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