3 Best Stock Market Apps

“The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of many men,” said Bernard Baruch. In our quest to make it big, many of us make uninformed decisions that cost a pretty penny, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You may not have the advanced tools of Brian Ferdinand, Liquid Holdings' wunderkind, but you can still give yourself a leg up on the industry. You may not become a billionaire overnight, but these apps can help educate and offer insight that can help give you the upper hand in the market.

Investopedia ($18.99)

Investopedia is like Cliff’s Notes for traders, except better. Even the most seasoned trader needs to keep his knowledge sharp, and the novice trader needs all the help he can get. Investopedia acts as your own personal translator. The app keeps the most-searched terms on the front burner for easy access, while covering complex terms and concepts. The only thing the app can’t teach you is common sense.

Keeper (Free)

In the world of finance, the secrecy of your accounts needs to be guarded more closely than the royal baby. Passwords are as necessary as they are annoying and time consuming. Luckily, keeper lets you skip this step with a simple pin code. Keeper’s first function is to store your passwords in a single, safe location while it continuously generates random, safe passcodes for your accounts. Keeper uses a military encryption program, keeping your info safer than a fallout shelter.

Yahoo Finance (Free)

Futuresmag.com calls the Yahoo Finance app a “swiss army knife” of financial apps, and the individual features are the most cohesively usable. The app can look up stock quotes, analyze markets, chart effectively, and provide you with a relevant news stream. Yahoo Finance is essentially the Quick Trip of the finance app world.

(photo: commons.wikipedia.org)

About the author

Doreen is the director of operations for a small financial consulting business. She is working on self-publishing an e-book about process management this fall.


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