5 Ways to Start Creating Original Video Content for Your Brand

Creating video content for your brand isn’t a luxury anymore, it is now a necessity. Without a tell-all video about your brand, you may be running a Stone Age business online. With well over half a billion hours of videos viewed on YouTube per day, and more than 80% of customers revealing that videos describing products helps in their selection of products, video content creation is expressly for your brand.

If you need content that can captivate and engage your website visitors, then what you need is a good video. If you are worried that your content will be lost in an already-crowded market, then you should know that video consumption doubles every year on mobile platforms.

With all these surprising stats, you need to get on the video train as soon as possible. This is why we’ve compiled the best ways to get a good video content created for your brand:


1 - Get Your Base First

Creating video content without actually putting your loyal customers in mind may be a suicidal stunt. The first approach should be 100% focused on getting your customers information they can actually use through your videos. Know that your existing customers still remain a gold mine and can get more people to identify with your brand in the near future.

Keep the informative videos about your product coming in, and this will propel your customers to get referrals to your business without you ever asking.

An excellent way to accomplish this, is to follow these three simple steps from simpleshow, a whiteboard and explainer video solution. The more you know about your audience and how to cater to their needs, the more likely you are to find success with your video content.

●      Step 1: Identify the Problem

●      Step 2: Why the Problem Should Be Solved

●      Step 3: Offer the Solution


2 - Create Time-Conscious Videos

Everything in the world is fast-paced in the world today, especially the internet. This fast pace has also affected the internet users. Everyone online now has a lot of things to do with not enough time to do everything. This is why your videos should be created with time in mind.

When creating the videos, endeavour to make the content very meaningful, and short. If the videos showcasing your brand are 30 minutes in length, then expect the views of your videos to continue dropping steadily.

Your content should tell all you want, without boring your viewers. 5-10min videos are ideal to get the message across and save precious time for your site users.


3 - Shoot Original Footage

Technology has made things easier for all of us, but it has also made us lazier. There are now stores where you can get video content tailored to fit your brand’s message. This may be ideal for someone on a tight schedule, but for an original video content, this should be a no-no.

You have an aim to create unique content for your brand, so you have to get behind a camera to make that happen. If you can’t afford getting video production tools, there’s still a way out.

One of the best alternatives is to make use of local production companies. There’s sure to be one local video production company that can get you good video content. Local production companies can help you with the stuff you may not be good at (storyboarding, shot set-up, editing, lighting, effects, etc.)

Such an approach gives your brand unique video content and keeps your ideas flowing. Note that for any video content production for your brand to yield success, there has to be constant renewal of your content. So, put on your thinking cap, and keep producing compelling content for your brand.


4 - Use Your Existing Customers in Content Production

When creating your videos, effects and other details are eye-catching. But the reason for the video creation is to attract new customers. One potent weapon in your arsenal that can be used in increasing your customer base is the customers you already have. Getting existing customers to validate your brand as one of the best in the business has an enormous effect on prospective customers.

Your loyal customers are always willing to share their customer service experiences with others, and when you give them an opportunity on screen, they’re happy to spread the word. The next step after such content is recorded is to share out such content on platforms, and we’ll see how that can be effectively done shortly.


5 - Make Your Video Ideal for Conversion of Prospects

The final step in getting your brand video is to make it able to convert prospective customers. This is a step that cannot be missed. Your content isn’t designed to excite customers only; its main focus is to keep the customers coming in.

The best way to get the video to convert customers is through the addition of links to your site’s landing page. It is also necessary to make your videos shareable to keep the word going out.


Other Vital Stuff

After your video has all it needs to reel in new customers, you may need some extra advertising to get your video to perform at its best.

These marketing options can help:


Use PPC Advertising if Possible:

It is possible that your brand isn’t that popular, so paying for promotion of your content could be needed. This method could be temporary till your brand gets some popularity on the web. This also helps generate external traffic to your site.  If you have an online reputation, then a PPC advert strategy may not be needed.


Get Your Videos on All Possible Platforms:

Your videos will not do much if it is restricted to your site. Make your videos easy to share, and share them yourself across all social media platforms where you have a presence. This makes your marketing efforts get to its height, and makes sure you get as much prospects as possible.


Optimize Videos for Mobile:

More and more people are abandoning PCs and sticking to their smartphones to access the web. This means that your videos may be irrelevant soon enough if you don’t have them optimized for mobile. There are many tools that can help make your content mobile-friendly, so make good use of them.


Video is Now in Demand Like Never Before

Video marketing is indispensable today. If you adhere to the methods we’ve seen in this read, your videos will attract more popularity to your brand, and keep increasing your online reputation.


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