September, 2013

Running an Efficient Business: Six Ideas for Saving Time and Money

The business world is always going to be competitive. It is survival of the fittest, and only those companies that are constantly becoming more efficient will survive. The greatest way to achieve efficiency in your business is to save time and money. Here are six tips you can use to save time and money to make your business more efficient.

How Much Education Should My Employees Have?

If you want the cream of the crop, do you have to hire a college graduate?

That has certainly been accepted wisdom in the working world for a long time, with college graduates typically earning more than their counterparts, and young people getting into thousands of dollars worth of debt to get those all-important letters after their name.

Should Companies Offer Day Care to Employees?

It’s tough to be a working parent.

You’ve got to find appropriate day care that you feel confident about, get to work, focus while you’re there and then go home to all the other parental chores.

Wouldn’t it be easy if all work places offered childcare? It could solve so much of this. However, it’s really not that simple.

5 Tips to Avoid Leadership Derailment

When it comes to being a manager, it often seems that it is easier to make a mistake than a positive change in the company. No matter how charismatic or driven management may be, any amount of trust can be lost in an instant. This is why every prospect for a position in management should understand these five simple tips for avoiding some of the most common mistakes.

Don't Get Left in the Dust: Six Musts for Every New Business to Follow

The business world is competitive, and a hardworking entrepreneur must do more than his or her competitors if they want to stay ahead. To stay ahead of the competition and grow a business, one must follow a few basic ideas and marketing plans.

Website for businesses

Some foolish business owners still do not have an Internet presence. Without a website, one will miss out on plenty of potential customers who go online to find places to spend their money.

Small Business Basics: 5 Steps to Simplify Your Inventory Process

When you have inventory to deal with, there are several steps that you can take to make your count go easier. Many of these steps are what might be called common sense; however, implementing them is more of a job than it appears.