May, 2014

Ready to Unlock Big Data for Your Small Business?

How would your business benefit from a tool that helped you hone in on your customers' desires, allowing you to deliver a more focused and ultimately more profitable service?

Big data can seem messy and overwhelming, but it offers your business just that - the chance to really analyze your customers and market, giving you a competitive advantage.

Score More! Exhibiting 5 Small Customer Courtesies

With the art of storytelling, you have established a strong connection between you and your prospect. Brand stories have bridged the gap between features and benefits and the deep emotional reason that makes the customer buy the product.

Too Much Paper Work? 5 Reasons to Take Your Business Paperless

Documents are a necessary evil of business. Everything from contracts and invoices to tax documents must be generated and filed for future reference. In the past, that meant businesses printed reams and reams documents and had to find a place to put them. The paperless office can change all of that.

Ways to Protect Your Important Business Documents

Businesses must manage a great deal of sensitive information and important documents. In a world of employee data theft, hackers and even natural disasters, safeguarding important documents, from financial data to trade secrets, creates a perennial challenge. While no document protection method provides total security, you can deploy a range of measures to limit the potential for document loss and theft.

How To Keep A Steady Income When You are Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business can be exciting, but it can also be stressful for a number of reasons. While you may be concerned about how you can make your new venture a success, you may also be concerned about how you can pay your personal bills while you are waiting for your new business to turn a profit. There are several steps that you can take to enjoy steady income during this transitional time in your life.

Things to Keep in Mind When Building Your Business

When starting a new business, it's easy to get caught up in dreaming about the business you want to create. However, keeping your dream business alive requires planning and a realistic outlook on what it takes to successfully start and maintain a business. Going in with your eyes open can help to prevent burnout, fatigue, disillusionment and depletion of financial resources later on.

Seven Small Business Benefits of the Social Media Revolution

The social media revolution has transformed the ways in which companies do business. Small businesses can now take advantage of social media platforms at little to no cost. No longer do small businesses have to pour out thousands of dollars into expensive marketing campaigns. Here are seven of the top ways in which the social media revolution has assisted companies in achieving success.

5 Effective Ways to Stay on Top of your Company's Finances

Managing finances is one of the biggest challenges that small business owners face on a regular basis. Since staying on top of finances is so important and vital to the long-term success of a business, there are five effective tips that should be followed, which will help a business owner stay organized and on top of their finances.

Why Your Small Business Needs A Cloud Suite Like Office 365

Most small businesses are self-funded and bootstrapped right from the beginning. What this means is that they really do not have the bandwidth to test out various tools and services that could potentially save them money in the long run. Regardless of which industry your business operates in, one software suite that every business inevitably owns is a productivity suite like Microsoft Office or Open Office. With the ability to create documents, presentations and handle large amounts of data through spreadsheets, Microsoft Office virtually owns the productivity system at every small business across the country and possibly the world.

Is a College Background Important to Your Business?

More than 30 percent of U.S. adults hold a bachelor's degree.

Though this number varies by state, with almost half the population of Massachusetts having one, it's safe to assume that roughly one-third of Americans have degrees.