September, 2019

12 Reliable Ways for Legal Startups and New Law Firms to Find Clients

If you’ve recently launched a legal startup and you’re looking for ways to attract new clients, you might be discouraged by the amount of competition out there and the patience required to get the ball rolling. When you don’t have much experience or feedback to lean on as a firm, it can be easy to feel like you’re the least appealing option on the market. However, getting over that initial hump isn’t as difficult as you might think, especially if you’re utilizing the right resources and putting the right people to work on your behalf.

How to Keep Your Employees Feeling Motivated and Valued

Having loyal employees at a company is something that every company should be striving for. For your company to have loyal and motivated employees, your company will need to do something more than just doing the minimal amount of effort.


Knowing your employee’s names are not enough. It’s a good start but it is not enough for your employees to feel truly valued at your company.

5 Common Cyber Security Mistakes Small Business Make

The Internet is full of hackers lurking and waiting for businesses to make security mistakes and wreak havoc. A breach in security means company downtime, low ratings, lost client trust, stolen data, or even compliance fines. It also can threaten the long-term survival of your business.


However, if you’re like some small business owners that probably don’t think about cybersecurity, take it seriously. In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the security mistakes that small businesses make and things you can do to stop them.

3 Things You Must Do to Prove Your Worth as a Business Owner

You could be the hardest working and most skilled business owner in your market, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that customers are going to flock to your company in droves. If you want to attract a big client base, you need to prove to each individual client that you know how to provide them with the service that they require.

Importance of Social Media for B2B Marketing

Social media is an essential aspect of B2B marketing, and the reason is not farfetched- most B2B customers need more mentoring, nurturing, support, trust-factors, and information.

 B2B prospects and customers use a wide range of channels for research such as seminars, conferences, surveys, whitepapers, websites, data from libraries, customer feedback, third-party data etc. All these help them in their decision making.

How to Manage Your Budget when You are a Freelancer

With an unpredictable stream of income, should freelancers like you care to budget? The answer is YES. But how? Let’s find out.


Why Budgeting is Important for Freelancers

There are many perks to having a freelance job. First of all, you enjoy a flexible schedule. You can work virtually anywhere and get to work with different people from different parts of the world. There’s also an opportunity to make as much money as you can – as long as you work hard and find the right projects.

Why Hearing “No” is Actually a Good Thing

I once worked with someone who couldn’t handle the answer, “no.” It was a lot like dealing with a child. One day I literally saw her stomp, raise her voice and throw a book! She then spent the rest of the day trying “rallying the troops” and trying to get other employees on her side – just to hear someone say she was right and should have gotten what she wanted. At one point, she went so far as to file a grievance against her boss. Hearing "no" was not in her skillset and really hurt her in the long run.

How To Overcome Common Business Challenges

When starting a business, it’s highly likely that you will face certain obstacles at some point or another - whether these be related to recruitment struggles, brand reputation, or issues with cash flow.


As a business owner, it’s essential that you have procedures in place to overcome any obstacles you may face. Failing to take the correct action could have disastrous effects on your business and may even result in your company having to close down.

Tips to Help Your Small Business in Customer Service

As the number of small business owners in the United States continues to increase, the need for providing high-quality customer service has become momentously indispensable. Since 86% of customers have stopped dealing with a business after a negative experience. Customer service draws the fine line between a successful and a failed business.