How to Keep Your Employees Feeling Motivated and Valued

Having loyal employees at a company is something that every company should be striving for. For your company to have loyal and motivated employees, your company will need to do something more than just doing the minimal amount of effort.


Knowing your employee’s names are not enough. It’s a good start but it is not enough for your employees to feel truly valued at your company.

Here are 5 things you can do to make and keep your employees motivated while also feeling valued:


Build Trust

This is an important aspect that often gets overlooked with the ins and outs of work everyday. Keep your mind open since this can be a hard topic for companies that have not built trust with their employees.


Look at the rules that you have in place and ask yourself what they are accomplishing. If your HR office just sent out a company wide email saying employees can’t spend more than 3 minutes in the bathroom, you need to rethink your motivations behind your rules. A company that micromanages its employees will not have loyal or motivated employees.


Team Building Activities

You can have good team building activities and you can also have activities that are pointless and get nothing accomplished. This should be done on company time so your employees do not have to come in early or stay late without being compensated. You can help your employees get to know each other better and become a strong team that knows how to work with each other.


Having activities does not have to happen every day, or even every month. Choose what is going to be best for you and your team. Talk with your team and see what they think is a good idea, this is taking away from their time after all.


Recognize Your Employees

This can backfire, so you also have to be careful with how you implement this. You can research different employee recognition ideas and see what is going to be the best fit for your company. A good way to avoid favoritism or employees constantly being left out is to recognize everyone at the same time. This could be handing out plaques at the same time during a meeting or doing something neutral such as celebrating birthdays for that month.


Rewards and Swag

There is nothing better than having some sort of competition that results in employees coming home with awesome prizes. This can be big items such as a vacation or electronics but it can also be smaller prizes that are just as valuable. Think of what your company can afford and go from there. If you do have a bigger budget you can use your employees as marketing with shirts that have your logo. This can even be lanyards and other gear that you can give to your employees as a thank you for working there.


Time Off

This is probably the biggest factor that goes into whether an employee wants to work at a company or not is how much time they are allowed off. Point systems can be a red flag for employees because it shows your company does not care about it’s people, just whether they are on time or not.


It is also extremely hard for any employee to know that they will be working year round and only given 2 weeks off for that entire year, including sick days. Give your employees enough vacation time so they do not suffer from burn out or it could cost you more in the long run.


Your employees are people too, and they also have lives outside of work. They have interests, families, and health concerns that need to be addressed. What are some things your company has done to motivate and connect better with it’s employees? Were they successful or not successful? Be sure to comment below to share different ideas with others.


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