Customizing SEO Campaigns
Personalization is becoming an even bigger part of SEO strategies at the start of 2012. The search giant, Google, in its attempt to gain some of Facebook's social networking market share, is rolling out its Search Plus Your World feature presently. This feature is entirely designed to incorporate personalized, social media elements even further into Google's algorithms than ever before and SEOs now have another powerful tool at their disposal.
Some SEO developers have been engaged in personalized campaigns rooted in social elements for some time now, but for others, it may be new territory. Countless strategies have been designed without social media aspects involved and have been successful, but that success rate may not be so certain in the future.
As social media functionality has increased across multiple platforms, its popularity has skyrocketed. Now, nearly every website from small personal blogs to multinational corporations, have implemented some form of social interaction feature or features into their design. Most users want a customized experience when browsing the Internet and current technology affords them that opportunity. Sites that allow users to interact and share personalized content are drawing an audience that other sites without interactive capabilities may be missing out on.
Websites looking for more traffic should certainly analyze their social features and maximize them. The best SEO companies now offer services that include social media optimization due to the impact this phenomenon has made on the Web.
Developers should make content sharing available on their pages, create blogs and use content management systems to keep viewers aware of changes and additions to the site and also give them an on-site forum to interact with other users. With Google's social networking endeavor, G+, becoming a greater part of the company's business model, it's necessary for SEOs to recognize that social media is on the rise. Websites lacking social engagement functionality aren't giving users an interactive, personalized experience and may have trouble keeping up with competitors that use social media to their advantage.
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