Do You Have the Right Company Culture?

Company culture plays a big part in many aspects of your business.

From the way your company is perceived in the public eye, to how many recruits you can attract, to how long your employees stay with you, company culture influences all of it.

Here are some reasons why company culture matters, and what you can do about when you know there's a problem….

Company Culture Gets Around

In this day and age of social media and sharing, your company culture reputation gets around fast.

You won't always be able to hide the negative aspects or the positive ones.

They'll all escape and get talked about, shared and approved or disapproved by employees past and present and the general public.

Company Culture Affects Careers

If your company culture suffers, so too will the careers of your employees.

It may seem like one wouldn't - or shouldn't - impact the other, but there is a direct cause and effect relationship. Here's why.

Company culture plays a large part in office morale.

When employees feel valued and part of a team where ideas are heard and respected, they do better work. The inverse is true, as well. If your company treats employees like they do bad work, they will.

As the following article looks at, that is one reason why many top engineers choose company culture over big names.

They want to work in an environment where the atmosphere is positive and where they will be free to improve and expand upon their engineering education.

Positive Company Culture is More Profitable

The way that a positive company culture can impact a company's profits is by minimizing the number of sick days that employees use.

Reducing those sick days is exponential because sick employees make other employees sick when they try to come back to the office too soon.

Office stress can cause employees' immune systems to weaken, making the company culture a direct influencer of company health.

Positive Company Culture Helps You Recruit More Candidates

Consider Google.

Their work environment is among the most envied by employees the world over.

With free food, napping stations and playful creativity high on the list of motivators, this company recruits from the most talented pool of engineers, developers and geniuses the world over.

If you doubt that company culture makes a difference, look no further than Google.

Improve Your Company Culture

So what do you do if you know something's wrong with your company's culture?

Here are three steps you can take right away:

  • Get rid of negative employees. Those with nasty attitudes who have nothing good to say about anything don't belong in your company;
  • Improve the physical environment. Is your office in need of a makeover? Employees appreciate working in areas that are clean, fresh and organized;
  • Bring in some perks. Bring in some free snacks on Friday. Substitute hard break room chairs for soft comfy ones. Buy a second microwave for the kitchen. Little things mean a lot.

If you take these points seriously and bring about change in your company culture, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes, even to your own work day.

About the author

Kate Supino writes about best business practices for small to medium sized businesses.


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