Facilitating Reputation Management Campaigns With Proper Communication

Communication is central to just about everything we do, every day. This we all know and are constantly reminded of when we find ourselves in or witnessing common misunderstandings or failed conversations. Nowhere is it more essential to have clear communication though than in correspondence with clients regarding SEO, reputation management, or other campaigns that a firm is managing. Given the nature of reputation management, however, mutual understanding here is paramount. Reputation management deals with the most important stock a company or individual has being their brand image and public-held perception, making it perhaps the most deserving campaign of quality communication.

Communication is a multifaceted and dynamic process though that requires both attention and proper planning. There are several essential characteristics that client communication needs to hold in order to forge the optimal client relationship, each with their own reasons for relevance. These different categories are listed and explained below: 

Quality, Concise & Clear

First and foremost, consultants at SEO firms need to deliver results; therefore the communication needs to reflect this understanding. The substance of the conversations with the client needs a high degree of quality; the information a consultant provides needs to be relevant and insightful. Respect for client time is important, and long-winded explanations lose the interest of clients and can muddle understanding. 

Make a conscious effort to be concise, offering more explanation when necessary and appropriate. With a high technical understanding as well, consultants cannot speak above the client in terms of industry language, always bringing the subject matter down to the level of client understanding. Clarity is further achieved by taking time to plan from the perspective of the client exactly how information can most clearly be expressed or presented.   

Consistent Contact

Consistency is key, as reputation issues can arise at any time, and a continuous contact schedule precludes gaps in communication when it may be needed most. Thus, schedule a standing meeting or appointment to communicate progress, provide feedback, and answer client questions and concerns. If a standing meeting is not possible, then have a flexible meeting time that runs a consistent period of time. Clients, to the degree that their time allows, will appreciate a consultant establishing a consistent means to discuss the particulars of the campaign with each other. 

If possible, having multiple channels to connect with clients can be helpful to achieve high client satisfaction; via email, phone, in-person, video-call, and a client collaboration platform. With this said, consultants do not want to go overboard on contact, and proper judgment and a perceptive ability to gauge client wants here is required.    


Mutual respect and a transparent operation need to be established from step one. Consultants need to show clients their work and the results that are being achieved. Having a system in place where clients can see the work being completed and any related analytics is essential. There are many web platforms that allow this, and this functionality alone facilitates greater transparency and builds client confidence. 

In Sum

The true benefit of managing reviews in online reputation is establishing long-term positive customer-client relationships. Customers truly appreciate when they are accommodated to. Clients are no different, and this underscores what is being achieved in the communication between an SEO company and the client. As consultants, they want to deliver beyond client expectations. 

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