Five of the Best Tips for Building Your Home Office

One in four American households now have a home office, as more people are telecommuting to skip the long commutes and work in the comfort of their home. It's important that home offices have enough functionality and storage space to ensure a great space to work in that is comfortable and effective.

Remove Distractions

It can be easy to put a cozy couch in a home office to sit on instead of at the desk, or even mount a television in the corner of the room, but it's important to treat the office as a workspace that needs to be without distractions. Find a comfortable chair that is easy to sit in throughout the day and offers proper support to prevent lounging in household furniture. Similarly, try to keep pets out of the room and treat it as if it is in a corporate building.

Practice Safety

Home offices can often be hazard zones without protecting electrical wires or protective cables. Use five channel cable protects, as well as cable ties, to keep cords organized and prevent them from getting tangled together behind a desk. These items can be found at for a variety of different tools for proper wire management.

Stock Up on Office Supplies

It's important to have extra supplies available and within reach. Keep plenty of white out on hand, printer paper, and plenty of other necessary supplies so you can avoid unnecessary trips to the store. Have extra printer ink stored in the office's closet, as well as pens, highlighters, notecards, post-its, and pencils.

Have Useful Tools Available

Just as a professional office has tools, there should be several supplies included in the room like a criss-cut paper shredder, pencil sharpener, and label maker. Similarly, try to purchase a printer that includes a scanner and copy machine for an all-in-one printer that takes up less space.

Add Filing Cabinets

With all of the different paperwork that passes through a home office, it's impossible to stay organized with a sturdy filing cabinet that can be used for several years. Label each separate drawer from bills to business files, with different colors of folders used to separate the categories. Labels can be used for each folder for a visually appealing cabinet that is legible and uniform.

By creating a safe and professional home office, it will work as a space that is effective and productive to ensure that you can continue to use the room without resorting to scattering your work throughout the house. Not only will it make you feel more organized, but will lead to a higher quality of work that is produced.

About the author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan


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