Getting The Most Out Of Your Company’s Printed T-Shirts

In this day and age, marketing and advertising plays a huge part in any business. Being innovative is key in any strategy to raise public awareness of your brand, as simple billboard advertisements won’t cut it on their own. One way to publicise your company or brand is through the use of printed t-shirts.

Printed t-shirts have many uses, and not just in the world of business. Many groups of young adults will get a batch printed for holidays or trips that they go on, and others may use them as souvenirs for events or as novelty presents. Don’t let this fool you into thinking there are no serious uses for printed t-shirts, however. In the world of business, they can be an extremely effective tool to promote your companies brand to anyone, as people only need to clap their eyes on the t-shirt to be exposed to the logo. Here are a few different ways to get the most out of printed t-shirts for your business.

Employee Uniforms

This is possibly the most obvious yet effective way to use printed t-shirts in any business. In a retail environment, it makes perfect sense for employees to be sporting branded t-shirts. Not only does this help them stand out to customers who may require assistance, but it also provides them with an air of professionalism. This is particularly important, as they are your representatives who will leave a lasting impression on customers.

Similarly, delivery staff should also be kitted out with your company’s branded t-shirts, as they are often the first people to make an impression on the outside world for your business. Another aspect that needs to be addressed here is that of trust. If someone was to knock on a door in the casual clothes, certain people may be reluctant to open up out of suspicion. If the employee is wearing a branded uniform, they will be easily recognisable and trustworthy, ensuring the homeowner knows that is isn’t an unsolicited visit.

Public Events

When appearing at public speaking or promotional events, you’re always going to be fighting against competition to come across well to potential customers. It doesn’t matter whether you’re taking part in a weekend seminar, a marketing conference or even a charity event, there’s always potential to raise brand awareness. Obviously, the job is made easier if you have a stand or even a speech at one of these events, as the correctly designed t-shirt will be shown to a huge range of people and should stick long in the memory.


A novel way to maintain brand loyalty amongst existing customers is to give away free gifts. If you’re feeling particularly savvy, this is a great way to do two things at once. A branded free t-shirt as a giveaway will keep customers happy whilst turning them into walking advertisements whenever they wear it. This way you’re both happy, as your customers have got something for free, and you’re getting publicity every time they wear it.

This is useful all the time, but even more-so when you are launching a product or service. If the gift is timed correctly, you can get the new product/service name out in the public as excessively as possible. However you decide to design your t-shirts, a good logo and catchy slogan will do our business the world of good.

About the author

Jack Oldham is a journalism graduate blogging on behalf of Teletrac Inc, who specialise in fleet vehicle tracking systems that can help increase efficiency and reduce carbon footprints for small businesses.


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