How to Cope with the Challenges of Transitioning to a Remote Work Environment

As workers around the world cope with the changed reality that the coronavirus pandemic has created for us, telework is proving to be a necessity for many people While remote work is certainly nothing new, what is new is how many are now faced with making the transition quite unexpectedly and with very little preparation. Telework has become the last bastion of financial safety not only for our economy but, for American families. As the pandemic rages, workers must make the transition to the virtual office environment or go without a paycheck.


But transitioning to telework is not easy, especially when the choice was not yours to make and you have had very little advance warning. It requires a fundamental shift, not only in work practices but also in mindset.


This article will provide advice to make the transition to telework easier, more efficient, and, ultimately, more comfortable. With a few simple strategies, you may find that remote work isn’t just possible, but it’s also preferable!


Create a Designated Work Space

One of the most challenging aspects of working from home is staying motivated. The allure of the comfortable couch and that scintillating new Netflix series can be irresistible, and if you’ve got kids at home, you know what a distraction, both wonderful and maddening, they can be.


To keep you focused and motivated, you need to set aside a work-only space in your home. This space needs to have a door that you can keep closed when you are working to help you get into the proper business mindset. Above all, your family, especially your kids, need to understand that when that door is closed, no one is permitted to enter the room upon pain of death or imprisonment or unless life and/or limb are at stake.


Beware of Isolation

Another difficulty many new remote workers may face is the feeling of being isolated. Many workers thrive in the office environment where they have the ability to interact throughout the workday with their colleagues. You may need that feeling of camaraderie to keep you engaged, interested, and sane. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you’re alone, and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t collaborate in real-time, not only with your own coworkers, but also with others in your field.


Networking has always been vital to professional success, and it is just as important for remote workers as it is for traditional ones. Fortunately, there is an array of social networking sites designed exclusively for business use. The most recognizable, of course, is LinkedIn, but there is a myriad of other social networks specific to particular industries or niche groups.


Prioritize Security

If you are new to telework, you may not be aware of the risks involved with producing and sharing sensitive business data online. This is the time to make sure that your firewalls and anti-virus protections are in place and up-to-date.


It’s also imperative that you safeguard the privacy of your Wi-Fi network; this includes ensuring that your system is protected with a password that is difficult to crack. A valuable hint: 123 and ABC are not strong passwords, nor are family names, birthdays, or other personal information that might easily be found online.


Being cyber-secure also means being cognizant of the sites you visit and the online tools you use in the course of doing business. In 2014, it was estimated that Russian hackers stole more than a billion usernames and passwords, mostly through malware installed on insecure websites!


Let the Cash Flow!

One of the many great things about telework is that you don’t have to be tethered to your laptop to keep your cash flow going. If you are creating your own web-based business such as an online store or even a commercial blog, you can monetize your site to produce revenue even when you’re not actively working on it.


Selling ad space on your site is a source of direct revenue that can be quite lucrative depending on the popularity of your site. In addition, there are lots of other tools you can use to help you increase your revenue. Autoresponders, for instance, can help you connect with both established and prospective clients, generating promising new leads 24/7 without your intervention. Just set the parameters and let them work their magic!


The Takeaway

Remote work was changing the face of business long before the coronavirus outbreak. Now that the pandemic has taken hold, however, telework, for many, is the rule rather than the exception.


Fortunately, the transition to home-based work does not have to be painful or unproductive. All that is required is a bit of strategy, a touch of know-how, and a good deal of determination.


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