How to Handle Angry Customers: 4 Steps to Providing Stellar Customer Service As An Entrepreneur

Did you know that nearly 14% of working-age Americans are starting or running new businesses? If you are one of these 27 million entrepreneurs, you likely understand the challenges and demands involved with establishing a stand-out company. Between increasing revenue and finding the ideal product-market fit, it’s not uncommon to overlook the essentials that make your business a true success, like maintaining a strong relationship with clients.

In addition to being important, customer service can also be incredibly challenging. Timo Selvaraj, the founder of SearchBlox, claims that keeping quality customer service is one of his company’s biggest challenge. Add in the emotions of an angry client and maintaining excellent service is even more difficult.

Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to improve your customer service skills ten-fold, especially when you’re dealing with an angry customer. These following four steps will help you become a rockstar entrepreneur and a stellar customer service representative.

1.  Understand The Magnitude, Motive And Impact

Before you can begin to resolve an issue with a customer, you must first understand what they are so upset about and how serious their complaint truly is. Have an idea of what the customer is unsettled about. Do they want a refund? Are they looking for an exchange? Perhaps they’d simply like an apology or to be heard.

Be sure you understand the impact of all complaints. Know which threats are serious and prioritize these threats appropriately, as well as the resources you use to deal with them.

2.  Don’t Let The Customer’s Complaint Fester

Be assertive to all issues that arise. By avoiding a problem or issue with a customer, news of your company’s poor assertiveness will likely spread - whether it be to other customers, competitors or even social media and the news.

One approach is to give customers immediate attention with an auto-response email. However, the more personalized you can make your customer service, the better the outcome will be for everyone involved.

3.  Console And Remedy With Care

Instead of going on the defensive or mounting a counter attack, acknowledge your customer’s grievances with compassion and empathy. This will likely calm them down and reassure them that they are being heard. Furthermore, remain calm when talking with a customer, even if you know they are after a freebie or are a chronically dissatisfied client.  

4.  Request Cooperation And A Positive Review

If the time is right, engage with the customer and empower them to be cooperative and active in helping you resolve the problem. Not only does this make them feel involved and in charge of the process, but it also gives you an opportunity to encourage them to provide positive feedback and a review of your friendly service.

Remember, having happy clients is the key to a successful business. Unfortunately, complains, issues, and concerns will always be a challenge your company will have to overcome. If you can perfect your customer service skills as an entrepreneur, you can rest assured you’ll establish a booming, customer-friendly business.

About the author

Bryan Phelps is a customer service adviser works with ROI Call Center Solutions, an inbound call center based in Pleasant Grove, Utah.


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