How Thinking Like The Janitor Makes You a Successful CEO

What does it take to be a successful CEO? I have been asked some version of this question a lot throughout my career, mostly by up and coming executives. The answer I most often give raises a lot of eyebrows. Most are intrigued, some think I’m joking and a few believe I am being curt and dismissive. On one occasion my response even made someone angry.

When asked how to be a successful CEO my answer is “Think like the janitor.”

To be a successful CEO you first you must become the CEO and the best way get there is to act like the manager when you are only the supervisor, the director when you are the manager, the vice president when you are the director and the president/CEO when you are the vice president. In other words, it’s not enough to demonstrate mastery of your direct responsibilities but also show concern and knowledge for a larger piece of the enterprise every step up the ladder. This does not mean you overstep your bounds and attempt to overshadow your boss. It means you should be collaborative and add additional value whenever the opportunity presents itself.

When you indeed are the president/CEO, the most senior member of the team and have full autonomy and responsibility, you must do a complete 180 and have the mindset of the person within your company who directly has responsibility for the comfort and general well-being of the entire team — the janitor.

Many people believe that the janitor’s closet and the CEO’s office are about as far apart as you can get, they are mistaken.

  • Thinking like the janitor means that you are approachable. Employees don’t find the janitor intimidating. Employees aren’t concerned if a question they ask of him/her will be perceived as dumb or ungrateful. Employees are not embarrassed to ask the janitor for what they need or want. Like the janitor, you must engender good will across your entire organization by being approachable and being seen as a resource that is accessible when need be.
  • Thinking like the janitor means you regularly demonstrate your concern for the well-being of your team. Like the janitor who listens and is quick to act when an employee complains about their office space being too hot or too cold or their chair being broken, etc. you too should be eager to listen and quick to respond when a member of your team brings a legitimate concern directly to your attention. Demonstrating your personal concern for your team will foster teamwork and a more connected and engaged workforce.
  • Thinking like the janitor means you have your ear to the ground. Consider this, what other positions within your company touch almost every team member at some point throughout the day? The maintenance staff are directly sweeping and mopping around employees offices and workstations all day long, they are privy to conversations in the restrooms while emptying trash and cleaning mirrors, and of course they often hear and become participants in conversations within the Holy Grail of “employee safe zones,” the break room. Never underestimate how much your janitor knows. I have personally seen instances where the janitor was the most knowledgeable and insightful team member when discussing overall employee morale.  Having your ear to the ground does not mean eavesdropping or getting involved in office gossip but it does mean meeting with your HR manager regularly and your lower level managers from time to time so you can hear in an unfiltered manner what is happening or being felt amongst various employees across your company.
  • Thinking like the janitor means that you are humble. Your janitor is clear that he/she adds significant value to their organization by being of service to the other team members. Likewise, the stakes may be higher but as CEO you are of service to the entire company, your customers and other stakeholders. Compassion and humility will go a long way with everyone you encounter.

Thinking like the janitor can have a profound impact on how you are viewed as a leader. This shift in perception can simultaneously increase morale and overall productivity, which leads to an increase in profits.

About the author

Gabriel Bristol, president/CEO of Intelicare Direct, a customer service solutions company with offices in San Diego and Las Vegas


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