Life Coaching - Working with a Life Coach for Greater Success in Your Life

We often find ourselves stuck in a rut, we’re not unhappy as such, but we’re not really happy either. Sometimes we will have an epiphany or wake up one morning with a clear sense of purpose, but for the majority of us we just carry on day to day hoping that we will feel that spark of joy that we had as kids, the anticipation of a life ready to be lived. 

If this sounds like you, you could probably use the help of a life coach. Although often disregarded as new age clap trap, a life coach can actually make a very real and very positive change in your life - not by telling you what to do, but by helping you work out what you want to be doing, and helping you to achieve your goals. 

You may look at your life and wonder what went wrong. Maybe you always wanted to be a writer but instead find yourself sitting at a desk entering numbers into a computer, or maybe your wanted to build houses but instead you’re working in a factory. You could’ve tried to follow your dreams, but somehow, they just always kept getting off track.

What Does A Life Coach Do?

What a life coach can do is help you find the ways that you tend to self-sabotage, and then help you stop doing this! Obviously, they can’t make the changes for you, but if you are willing to step up, they can help you see where you can go right. This doesn’t mean that you have been going wrong up until now, or that you would’ve succeeded “if only”. Sometimes things only happen in life when we are finally ready for them to happen. 

You may want to be a famous musician, but could you have coped with ‘overnight’ fame and success at age 18? Are you in a better position to handle that sort of chaos now? 

Although a life coach may often really simply act as a sounding board for you to test out ideas of where you want to be, most of the time they are able to also offer constructive feedback that can help you put concrete plans in place to ensure that you can achieve your goals.


What Will Set Your Soul On Fire?

This can actually be the best reason to talk to a life coach, to find out where you really want to be. Although people often dream about a life of luxury, sitting on a beach doing nothing but drinking piña colada’s, the sad reality is that the few people who actually do get to do this are just as stuck in their rut and unhappy (although warmer, and probably a little drunker).

When you talk to a life coach, you may start off with the idea that ‘doing nothing’ is where you want to be, and this might be perfect for a few weeks to help you recharge your batteries, but it won’t set your soul on fire and bring you a passion for life, or even just a mild happiness. Before very long you are bored, and back in a rut you can’t get out of.

What you need to find is how to bring that thrill of living into your world. This doesn’t mean that you need to suddenly start jumping out of planes (although maybe it does), and it doesn’t mean that you need to make dramatic changes to your life overnight. However, a good life coach can help you work out what steps you can start making immediately in order to reach your long-term goals.

Maybe you have always dreamed of running a vineyard in the South of France (see here). Your first step might be to start saving for a two week holiday to the area so that you can see what it is like, at the same time you might start learning French, or take a night course about wine making and give it a go in your own backyard.

By helping you put yourself into a position where you can start working towards your goals, your life coach is able to help you increase your chances of succeeding in having the life you desire.


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