Revealed! 4 secrets of negotiations for powerful women

Who says women can't negotiate? Believe it or not, they can be just as good as men during a business negotiation. Women are not persistent and aggressive when bargaining for something; they don't like to intimidate and overawe opponents, because their approach towards success is different. A calm, patient attitude can be a lot more powerful than a bullying approach whose sole purpose is to make an opponent snap. Here are 4 amazing secrets of negotiations for strong, independent business women.

1. Women are explorers

Successful women leaders don't rush negotiations, and they like to take time to explore their opponents. They have a clear sense of their weaknesses, strengths, wishes, and expectations. Unlike male negotiators, women have analytical skills; they're expert listeners and they use subtle strategies to get what they want. Evaluating the other party during a business meeting and analyzing each and every move they make is a woman's secret weapon. They say women possess a sixth sense men don't have, which means they're automatically more capable of achieving success in business than men.

Powerful women are not afraid of negotiations. Even though we live in a modern society with lots of independent women who make their own money, some men still don't consider them strong enough to master negotiations. Just because women are more silent and patient, it doesn't mean they're weak and inexperienced; quite the opposite. Silence can be a golden weapon in business. It can intimidate, baffle, and astonish an opponent who doesn't have the endurance to listen.

2.  Women are thorough

Women are more thorough than men in everything they do. They're attentive to details, organized, and ready for the unexpected. Powerful business women can be extremely methodical; they like to enter negotiations armed with information. Good posture, poise, and determination are also required to land a good deal. In circumstances that are highly ambitious, gender stereotypes will most likely materialize, creating some sort of discomfort to women.

Men still believe that the best way to win a bargain when dealing with female negotiators is to intimidate. They're wrong! Women are extremely attentive to details and they won't allow men to underestimate their skills, especially if there's an important deal at stake.

3.  Women are genuine

Women are not afraid to be genuine when dealing with negotiations. Men on the other side, are somehow driven by their ego to showcase a strong attitude; they want to feel superior because superiority gives them power. Women like to create relationships. They're calmer and they're not afraid to approach a deal from an informal perspective. Rather than have an aggressive stance, women prefer to connect with opponents and reach mutual ground without compromising the deal. Originality and honesty are extremely important traits in the business field; they can help negotiators reach mutual agreements and thus leave doors open for future collaborations.

4.  Women can be smarter than men

Women can be a lot smarter than men when dealing with business negotiations. The problem with women is that they're not brave enough to speak up. Most women - even the toughest ones - fear that they are harshly judged by male opponents during such meetings. What can they do to surpass these fears and insecurities? First of all, every strong business woman is able to control her emotions. By focusing on the deal and on a bottom line, they can easily forget about feelings of anxiety and concern. It doesn't matter what your opponents think of you; what matters is the information you can use to win the negotiation.

One of the easiest ways of making yourself respected is to be strong, confident, and certain of your strengths. You can do it, and as long as you are prepared and eager to win, there's nothing a make negotiator can say to frighten you.

Successful business women know that everything's negotiable. Unfortunately, many view things from a personal point of view, and emotions often interfere with a woman's ability to bargain. Being turned down is even worse, as no woman likes to be rejected, irrespective of the context. The good news is with a bit of negotiation training; even the shyest woman can become a master negotiator. All you need is courage and guts to stand up and ask for what you want and deserve.

About the author

The article is authored by a talented and experienced writer Davis Miller. He is a writer with a unique writing style. His topics are mostly related to business and entrepreneurship. Here he has written for the site


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