School Yourself Before You Open a new Business

If you're thinking of starting a small business, think beyond your product and employees and pay attention to your marketing efforts.

Marketing has come a long way over the past few years due to social media, and these days it's much easier to get your business's name out there than in years past. No more big bucks spent on newspaper ads or commercials. You can do it yourself for pretty low cost, but you've got to know some of the important facets of social media marketing.

The more you know about social media marketing before you start, whether it's your education and background, or just your hobby that you can't stay away from, you'll be ahead of the game with some knowledge to put into your business marketing.

From the basics to the intricacies - use social media to get your business out there.

Use Social Media:

Make sure you have pages and accounts in all the major social media forums and keep them updated. Think beyond Facebook and maintain a Twitter account, Instagram page, YouTube and maybe even Pinterest and LinkedIn, depending on your business. Once you've got the accounts ready - use them. Social media has far reaching purposes beyond simply updating your status. You can connect with your customers and followers here, and communication and connection is a major player in a successful business.


This isn't just for you to do - open up your social media to your followers. Actively seek their posts, comments and pictures. Depending on your business, you can enlist your followers for advertisers. A good word from a happy customer speaks volumes, and well, you know what they say about pictures.

Among the things to focus in on:

• Welcome your followers to post images of your work or their child wearing your company's t-shirt.

• Respond to comments, whether they are compliments, thank yous or even something on the more negative side. You can let your followers see how you resolve issues.

• Offer contests through social media with reward discounts or free merchandise. Name that new cupcake flavor; winner gets a dozen free cupcakes. It doesn't even have to relate directly to your business but can be seasonal - pumpkin carving contest - winner wins 10% off services or product.

• Publicize new ventures, openings, menus and products. Customers and followers can look forward to these things with anticipation (and share the posts).

• Connect with the community (like a local high school) and share in their pages and followers. Great advertising and fun school spirit!

Be Smart and Savvy:

Knowing what your followers want and expect is key, and by educating yourself about social media, you'll be on top of it. There's a fine line between keeping pages/profiles up to date and being excessive. Another fine line exists being friendly and connecting, and crossing boundaries of professionalism. Know what photos are appropriate and which to leave off your sites.

A little social media marketing can go a long way, and the more you know, the further you can go with this.

It's smart to know the ins and outs when you're a small business owner; marketing starts with you.

About the author

 Heather Legg is an independent writer who focuses on small business, social media, and health trends.


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