Sell A Niche Food? 3 Strategies To Stick In The Market

Being in the niche food industry can be a difficult business to maintain. Ironically enough, however, finding a good niche and selling to it can be one of the best ways to ensure your business’ success. All you may need is a little guidance on how to maximize your success in your niche. Below are 3 strategies to help you stick in the market of selling niche foods.

Start A Crowd-Funding Campaign, Preferably With An Accredited Investor

This idea comes from Ryan Caldbeck in his article on Forbes. If your niche food business is struggling to meet its financial needs, then a crowd-funding campaign might just be the thing to help you.

The reason for this is because there seems to be a very high demand now for more artisanal foods. This may make investors optimistic in giving start-ups money. You could go through the more common route of Indigo or Kickstarter. However as the article explains, using an accredited investor crowdfunding operation is a better way to go, as the investors can help you with sourcing your products more.

Secure Your Sources

This piece of advice comes from the same Forbes article listed above. A problem that is arising in the niche food industry is that medium-sized companies cannot meet the demand that is being placed on them. On the one hand you have very small food businesses that typically can source their food from farmer’s markets or other local, small venues. On the other hand you have giant corporations that have huge demands, and thus have enormous sourcing capabilities. In the middle, you have mid-sized businesses that are caught. They are too large to source from small, local sources but are too small to compete with giant food companies.

One way to deal with this issue is to, as mentioned before, partner with an accredited investor. The other way is to secure your sourcing options before you grow. Make sure you have good relationships with your food sources before your company grows, as this can save you headaches down the road.

Test Your Food

Though your niche may not be focused on this, many food niches focus on providing the highest quality food available. One way that you can ensure that your food has the highest quality is by getting it tested for its nutritional benefits. This can also be useful to market to customers who are health-conscious and want high quality products. You can use a company like Agrifood Technology to help get your food tested and make sure your nutrition facts are accurate.

In the end, finding a niche can be a great way to grow your business. While there may be unique challenges that face a niche food business, there are also great opportunities. Remember: try to crowd-fund, secure your sources and test your food. These 3 strategies may be able to help your niche food business stick.


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