Is Technology One of Your Best Business Components?

Technology is changing how the business world networks in some pretty significant ways, which is why your business needs to jump on the tech bandwagon.

By combining technology with traditional networking practices, you can take your business to new heights.

Here are just a few ways to do just that:

Go the Social Route

Networking at industry events and business meetings use to be the only way to network with professionals and clients, but social media is quickly changing that dynamic.

That's right, social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn are the new way to get ahead in the networking game.

Sure, you should still attend industry events; just make sure you to turn to social media during and afterwards to share your experience.

Live tweeting from conferences and friending the connections you make will lead to more networking opportunities.

Get Mobile

There's a pretty good chance that all of your current and potential clients and all of your business contacts have their smart phones and mobile devices with them wherever they go. With mobile networking, you'll reach your contacts on a more personal level.

As the article, “Expanding your networks by combining technology and tried-and-true methods” looks at this is exactly where mobile outreach comes into play.

Whether you create a mobile app for your business, share your marketing efforts through SMS, or connect with your followers through social apps, getting mobile is a great way to expand your network.

Offer a Feedback Section

Customer feedback is a great way to expand on your networking practices.

By including a customer feedback section on your business website, you can ensure each and every customer that does business with you is satisfied.

This type of customer satisfaction creates word of mouth marketing, which will do wonders for your networking.

There are a number of feedback tools you can implement into your website including feedback forms and comment sections.

Stay Connected

The idea behind networking is staying connected with those in your industry as well as your consumer base. Technology is making it easier and easier to stay connected, but it's up to you to keep up with your outreach efforts.

Starting a blog to go along with your business website is an effective way to create an ongoing conversation about your business.

By posting interesting and informative content to your blog on a regular basis, you'll create a discussion based on your business, which is all part of the networking game.

You should also have an easy to find call to action throughout your business website.

A straightforward, linkable call to action will allow your website visitors to contact your business with ease.

Follow Up

After you've made a new business connection or you've reached out to a new customer, it's important to keep the networking ball rolling by following up with a friendly message.

Both social media and mobile outreach are great ways to send follow up messages to your new connections.

However, if you meet a new contact in person, nothing beats the tried-and-true method of making a follow up phone call.

If you're looking to combine traditional networking with technology, then consider some of the options above.

About the author

Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including personal health and social media.


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