Worried About Break Ins? 6 Tips For Keeping Your Business Safe

Businesses of all sizes need to be concerned with safety, particularly safety from burglary and break-ins. All it takes is one break-in to frustrate business plans and ruin property. Even if insurance covers the burglary, it is still an event that creates a great deal of hardship and destroys the owner’s peace of mind. These six tips will help any business find a way to stay safe from this type of threat.

A lock is one of the most obvious items that should be installed on all business doors and windows. Dead bolts are the best option. In addition, bars can be locked over main entry point doors as well as over large windows.

Burglars particularly target smaller businesses, assuming that they will not have modern security equipment. However, basic security systems can be fairly cheap to install and maintain. The business owner can choose to have either an alarm that sounds at the property or a silent alarm that alerts local police.

Bright lights are easy to install around a business, and they are great deterrents against thieves. These lights may be left on at all times or may only turn on when they sense motion. They should be placed around all major doors and windows.

Reinforced Windows
Burglar-resistant glass is good to install in windows that are close to the ground. This type of glass takes burglars much time and effort to break. A variety of options exist, including security film that can be placed over existing glass and plastic that is coated with glass on each side.

Metal Grates
Metal grates can be placed over glass windows and doors. These grates can often be pulled up during business hours and lowered at night. Security grates stop a burglar from entering the premises even if the burglar breaks the glass.

Security Guards
Of course, security guards can patrol the inside and outside of a business to deter burglars from attempting to enter. The guards from OGS Group Manned Guards in London are highly trained professionals who can deal with any type of security situation at any type of business. They will monitor premises, prevent and respond to actual crimes and give the business owner peace of mind.

Each of these six tips is rather simple to implement by businesses of any size. Every business should employ at least one or two of these security measures. However, the business that uses all six of these tricks will be especially protected against the threat of burglars.


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