Is Your Online Business Profile a Winner?

Your online business profile is basically your face to the world.

Making sure your business always looks its best is critical to controlling how your business is perceived.

Here's a quick guide to making sure your online profile is solid on three of the most popular social media sites….


LinkedIn is all about business.

To get the most from this professional networking site, you should understand the basics of how it works.

Companies and people use LinkedIn to establish authority in their field, make connections and find jobs and leads.

First, make sure you have a clear opening statement explaining what your business does and the services or products you provide.

For your business image on your profile page, it's best to use your logo instead of your own picture. (You can post a picture of yourself on your personal LinkedIn page.)

Make connections with businesses or people that you think might want to buy your products or services.

Next, post occasional authoritative pieces on your LinkedIn site that show you know your business.


Pinterest is an image-oriented site that some business owners may think doesn't relate to their industry. But no matter what field you're in, Pinterest can held generate leads and draw in business.

As the following article looks at, one savvy marketing profile, the Bob Bratt profile, has used Pinterest to share a little personal information and some business information, which helps to humanize what, might otherwise be seen as an executive closed off from the online world.

Instead, this exec is seen as open, honest, and a caring individual.

You can do the same using Pinterest.


On Facebook, commenting is what keeps the interest up, and community is key.

Developing Facebook likes and followers will help to show your business as well-liked and popular.

At the same time, it's important to moderate your Facebook comments, because as with all social media, there are some folks out there who don't use a filter on their postings.

Make sure you set your preferences on your business Facebook page so that all comments have to be approved by you before they can be posted.

Also, the best way to moderate your business Facebook page is to have a dedicated person on your staff whose job it is to oversee your business Facebook profile and page.

Remember, just as in real life, flaws will stand out more than perfection.

Go over your profile pages with a fine tooth comb to make sure there are no typos, objectionable images or comments and no misleading information.

Finally, make sure your business message is consistent across all your social media profiles.

Choose an image to project and stick with it, no matter where your profile is viewed. Never succumb to trends or popularity contests when it comes to your business.

Your online business profile can be a valuable marketing asset as long as you monitor and control it closely.

About the author

Kate Supino writes about best business practices for small to medium sized businesses.


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