The Power of Location Based Advertising: Getting the Customer To Your Store- An Infographic

Location based advertising refers to targeting customers when they are near your store. When you consider that 72% of consumers will act on a call to action if in sight of a retailer, its power seems to be clear. Brand executives seem to acknowledge this fact and 91% of them increased their investments in location based advertising in 2013. However, I still get the impression that brands aren't spending enough and they are missing out on huge opportunities.

Leadership Attributes in the Workplace: What Should You Be Looking For?

It is often said that while there are many teachers, very few can actually teach. Similarly, while anyone can be a leader, very few leaders exemplify the outstanding attributes necessary to set them apart from their peers. Below introduces four core leadership attributes that every aspiring leader should possess.

Communication Skills
According to Forbes magazine, the best leaders can connect with people on an

Six Ways Your Business Is Wasting Money And What You Can Change Today

From a financial perspective, businesses are like people. Some handle money efficiently, while others waste money needlessly. If you are a business owner or manager who is concerned about your company's finances, here are six ways your business may be throwing away hard-earned income.

4 Business Ideas Every Entrepreneur Should Consider

If you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur or are already on your way to becoming one, you understand that it will only take one great business idea to transform that dream into a reality. It could be possible that you have not yet found the right business idea to start on but there’s no need to worry. There are so many business ideas out there. Below are 4 assorted business ideas that can get you started on your path to a successful entrepreneurship endeavor.

Are You Fit to Be a Leader?

Perhaps your boss or manager just resigned and you've seen the job posting on the internal job board.

Maybe you've even noticed some of the fresh faces being interviewed for the job, and you think that you ought to apply. You know the department inside and out, and you get along with everyone.

Does that mean you'd make a good leader?

Top Reasons Why Business Marketers Should Be Excited About Using Instagram

As a contemporary marketer, you may already be reeling under the pressure of managing social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter besides YouTube. The top reasons why you should even be looking at yet another marketing tool called Instagram is not hard to figure out though if you take a close look at the advantages it offers.

Visual Content Is First Priority

Everything you Need to Have a Successful Retail Business

There are many different things that a business owner needs in order to run a successful business. Over the long term, there are many people who have been able to grow and scale companies. However, there are many challenges in the retail field today. Not only is competition higher than ever before, but the margins are starting to erode over time as well. Here are several things that you need in order to have a successful retail business.

Beating the Back-to-Work Blues: 8 Tips for Getting Back to Work after the Holidays

The holidays came and went, and the New Year is now here. So what can we do to get back on track at work? 

While most of us want to sit at our desks with energy, creativity, and enthusiasm that will help us come up with the next great idea, what actually ends up happening is that we spend so much time trying to answer emails and phone calls yet fall behind on tasks that have accumulated while we were away.

10 Books that taught important lessons and influenced businesses in 2015

The best industrial leaders are not afraid to ask others for help, or to listen to the ideas and inspiration that others can bring to a business. Part of the reason these people are so successful is acknowledging that they do not have all the answers. Perhaps one of the best ways to locate new ideas, techniques and to become a better business leader is to read one of the following books and learn from them:

Starting Your Own Company and How to Stay Local

When starting a new company, many entrepreneurs are encouraged to either physically expand to other cities or digitally expand through a website, blog, or social media platform. As explained below, it is also beneficial when starting your own company to stay local and small for a few years. Here are some tips to keep your returning customers and keep your business on an even level for a while.

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