May, 2013

My Bookkeeper's Numbers Don't Add Up

Are you wondering if your company’s bookkeeper is on the up and up?

Have numbers that aren't adding up? Want to make sure you aren't going to run into this problem before you hire someone?

A Bank Line of Credit Why You Need One - And What To Do If You Can’t Get One

A bank line of credit is one of the best things to have if you are a small business. It allows you to draw on pre-approved funds to not only meet routine operating expenses, but it can also be there for short-term working capital needs like plugging unexpected cash flow gaps, growing accounts receivable and inventory issues.

13th Grant Winner: Addi Cakes, A Journey To My Dream

Addi Cakes is a bakery named after my daughter Addison that focuses on custom cakes, gourmet cheesecakes, cupcakes and specialty desserts. I will begin by first introducing myself and how Addi Cakes came to be.

Business Blog Like a Pro: A Flawless Formula to Content Creation

Blogging seems like a good idea, but when you’re facing a blank computer screen “good” and “easy” clearly show themselves as two entirely different things. Luckily, things do not have to be so difficult. 

By reflecting internally you can come up with some killer content ideas that you already know quite a bit about.  And by following the format below, you can consistently create some stellar and engaging posts.

My Employees Need a Morale Booster

According to The Gallup Organization, there are more than 22 million employees throughout the American workforce who are best described as having low morale. If that number seems huge, you're going to be shocked by the next one.

Gallup has also calculated that as a result of issues like absenteeism and decreased productivity that stem from low morale, the American economy as a whole takes an annual $350 billion hit from this widespread morale problem.

5 Travel Tips for Small Business Owners

All your friends think you have a glamorous job. Brisbane one day, Darwin the next, then on to Auckland — and back home for the weekend. Of course, you don’t want to burst their bubble. And all you saw of those wonderful cities was the inside of the airports, taxis, your client’s offices and the view from your hotel room — if you were lucky the bulk of your flights were on time.

Analyzing Analytics: How to Make the Most of Your Clients’ Numbers

From your client’s perspective, analytic support has one purpose: to verify he’s doing everything right. Sometimes, that isn’t the case, and your client will want to know what he’s doing wrong specifically. That’s why analytics are important: They don’t just show a client what’s working and what isn’t. They show a smart way to move forward, and they can help you find the path that’s most likely to succeed.

Are Flexible Hours Good for My Company?

Flextime, where employees work a flexible schedule, is starting to become more and more desirable in today's marketplace.

Why?  Well it offers a number of benefits to both the employee and the employer.

If your business is thinking about flextime, here are some things to consider:

5 Great Gifts for Your Top Clients

Each year we celebrate special occasions - anniversaries, Christmas, New Year, etc. - and for business owners such as ourselves, we see to it that our clients become part of all our merrymaking. The simplest way to do this is by sending gifts. However, each year we are also faced with the dilemma of what to give them.