September, 2014

4 Simple Steps to Improve Personnel Safety In The Workplace

Workplace safety should be a top priority by employers. Government regulations already require commercial buildings to be up to date with certain regulations such as handicap accessibility and fire control.

Fire Hazard Management

Commercial buildings must have fire alarm systems that are approved by local zoning laws and safety codes. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be installed in central locations inside enclosed spaces.

How to Create Contagious Content for Your Company

We all know that sharing content is a great way to connect with your audience, but writing boring blog posts and cookie-cutter direct-mail campaigns isn't going to cut it. In an oversaturated marketplace, readers crave content that is useful, interesting, and, above all, share-worthy.

While not everything can be viral, having contagious content is one of the best - and cheapest -ways to reach both current and potential customers. Read on for tips on creating content that will take on a life of its own.

Freelancers - Are you charging enough?

Most freelancers take a sizeable pay cut when they become their own boss, and this is at least partly down to undercharging. Freelance rates can seem extortionate, particularly to someone not used to putting such a well-defined value on their time (particularly when coupled with a British reticence towards selling oneself).

What Really Drives Serial Entrepreneurs?

Being a serial entrepreneur requires taking great risks without any promise of reward, flourishing in the face of repeated stress and uncertainty and, often, dealing with unfamiliar tasks and industries. Though making a career based on constant change can keep a business owner from getting bored with routine, it’s not a path for the faint of heart, and begs the question of what makes a serial entrepreneur drawn to a world of professional uncertainty. Do serial entrepreneurs possess great instincts — or are they simply afraid of commitment? Here’s a look at what really drives serial entrepreneurs.

Startups: Broadcast Your Brand Through Lesser-Known Channels

As the owner of a startup, you want to do everything you can to get the word out about your business, products and services. While you might understandably want to focus on getting your company name in the local paper, on TV and all over social media, there are also less common ways to help broadcast your brand. Consider using the following channels to help you refine and perfect your strategy.

3 Tips To Improve Customer Loyalty By 80%

Selling your product or service to a customer is hard. Getting these customers to pay you the second time is harder. At Priority Pickup, a Perth based airport transfer service, we realized early that our industry has cut-throat competition and is highly price-sensitive. As a business that offers luxury limousine rentals, our chauffeurs were priced higher than the regular cabs. Finding a loyal customer base was tough job.

Tips for Starting a Business That Will Succeed

The days of big companies that would give you a job when you are fresh out of the school and keep you there until the day you retire are gone. With the rise of internet and the total shift in the economy, more and more people start their own small businesses in search of financial security and decision making freedom. This is hard, challenging and risky. However, it is also amazingly rewarding and truly satisfying. Therefore, if you are about to start on your own, here are some tips from the successful small business owners.

Are Your Workers Ready to Retire One Day?

Only about 14 percent of small businesses with 100 or fewer employees offer any form of retirement benefits to their workers, according to 2012 data from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

If you're a small business owner who's among the vast majority on this issue, you may feel somehow comforted knowing that there's safety in numbers and that your company's policy conforms with those of most of your peers.

Customer Protection in the Day and Age of Text Marketing

This year marks the 22nd anniversary of history's first text message. It was sent from an employee to a supervisor, and it read "Merry Christmas."

In the more than two decades since, short messaging service, or SMS, has become a universal core of human communication.

Take Your Hobby to the Bank: Tips for Turning Your Passion into a Career

There is a common expression, that if do what you love, the money will follow. For some people, this dream can become a reality. They have turned their hobbies into a new money-making career, and you can too when you really start to think about utilizing your passions.

Many people start a blog for fun. It's a way to express thoughts, opinions, and share experiences with others all around the world. However, some lucky people have turned their love of blogging into a full time career, and some have even gotten book deals based on their blogs.