October, 2009

How Factoring Services Can Help You Forge Stronger Supply Chain Links

Things have changed pretty drastically in the world of commercial financing over the past couple of years, forcing drastic changes in small business financing as well—both yours and the companies you sell to. Just as importantly, the business of your suppliers has also changed.

Successful companies need to adapt to what Roger McNamee calls “The New Normal.” As McNamee proposes in his blog, “Wake up and smell the coffee. This is not your father’s economy. And it’s not the boom that inflated our expectations and then exploded. But it’s also not the doom and gloom we’ve been mired in for nearly three years now! So, wake up. Pull yourself together. Get on with it. ‘With what?’ you ask. With the rest of your life. It’s a bright, fresh world full of opportunities.”

Marketing 101 With Anne Welch

It’s a tough time for magazines, but ELLE’s success only seems to grow, as seen in partnerships with Project Runway, MTV’s The City, and more. Anne Welch, Vice President and Brand Publisher of Elle Magazine, didn’t play a small part in this – she’s an expert at reaching fashionistas, even in a time when shopping is taboo. Here are a few of Welch’s marketing “basics” – just a taste of the knowledge she’ll share as a speaker at AdweekMedia’s inaugural Marketing to Women conference next Wednesday, November 4.

Achieving Success In The 21st Century: The "New" Rules of Engagement

All the "sure" boats to success have seemingly gone down. On a daily basis I hear people muttering a new belief: "Success just isn't possible right now." The drive to achieve ones goals, dreams and aspirations have been chucked overboard as impossible rubbish and have been replaced with a new belief: "It's a desperate time where the best one can hope for is to just make it through without losing everything."