April, 2014

Adopting the Right Assistance at Work

As a small business owner, you have a few different roles to play than the CEO of a large, multi-branched company does.

Often as a small business owner, your employees become your family and you may find yourself in roles you never imagined.

For instance, what if an employee becomes pregnant and decides to put her baby up for adoption? What can you do to help and how much are you obligated to help?

Sales Strategies That Work for Millennials

The average salaries for jobs in insurance and advertising sales are $48,150 and $46,290 respectively, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since the majority of sales jobs do not require a specialized education, they make ideal career tracks for liberal arts majors with communications and people skills. Sales is a very wide field, and these four career options represent a good cross section of the industry. Learn more about different types of sales jobs to determine whether the field is a good match for you.

Industry Leader: What It Takes To Stay Ahead Of The Competition

These days, industry leaders who want to stay ahead of the competition need to implement proven strategies in order to do so. This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that contemporary realities like globalization and multiculturalism have resulted in the perpetual immersion of new markets and increased competition for customer business. If you are an industry leader and you want to make sure that your business consistently outperforms its competitors, the following strategies can be of great use to you.

Developing a Brand that Wins Over Customers' Hearts and Pocketbooks

Branding has emerged as one of the most important factors for businesses today. Strong and effective branding differentiates companies. It also builds customer loyalty and trust that turns into higher lifetime values. Developing a brand that wins over the hearts and pocketbooks of customers can be done in a few ways.

Easy Marketing - 4 Simple Ideas For an Effective Community Marketing

There will be people who will be highly active in certain online communities. There will also be people who aren’t as active. Sometimes getting people to simply sign up is the most challenging part. That challenge can be met with effective community marketing practices. Here are four simple ideas for an effective community marketing strategy.

Entrepreneurial Ideas: What to Do If You Can't Come Up With Your Own

With so much emphasis being placed on "breaking the mold" nowadays, entrepreneurs feel increasing pressure to generate original ideas. While thinking outside the box can result in fortunes, doing so is often a crap shoot. If you can't come up with an original entrepreneurial idea at the moment, it's best to fall back on time-tested moneymakers such as the following.

5 Operational Tips Every New CEO Should Be Aware Of

Creating a start-up company can be an exciting experience. If you have never started a company, however, it can also be an experience fraught with great risk and unknowns. It is important that you do your due diligence and research all of the requirements for starting a company in your state. You should also try to obtain as much information as possible from others who have been successful in leading similar businesses. Here are five operational tips that you should also know in starting a new company.

3 Technology Mistakes You Could Be Making In Business

In business, your margin could be increased in two ways – by increasing the selling price of your product or by decreasing the cost in manufacturing the product. Tinkering with the selling price can have a dramatic effect on the volumes sold and hence the revenue. It is hence that the most important job for any business owner is to find the fluff in the business process and fix them so that you may reduce the cost of manufacturing a product.

5 Great Ways To Insure Your Company Against Losses

If your business isn't growing, it's shrinking; that's the cold facts of commerce. For this reason you need to insure against losses as they creep upon you.

Some of the ways to maintain growing profits are within the daily operations, and others come with innovations in the marketplace, such as with technology or consumer demand.

5 Ways to Utilize Online Reviews to Better Your Business

One of the best forms of social media there is to enhance your business and expand your customer base is online reviews. Yet, many business owners underestimate and under-utilize this powerful way of marketing themselves and communicating with their customers. Online reviews appear everywhere, from personal reviews on social media sites to websites that do nothing but aggregate comments about businesses. For better or worse, these online reviews are going to be out there, so here are five ways that you as a business owner can use online reviews to your advantage.