August, 2011

Caffeine Indexing, What is it?

If you are not in the SEO or SEM industry or if you have taken a bit of vacation this summer, you will sometimes find that it's hard to keep up with the many innovations that Google, Bing, Yahoo and others are offering to their users on the web.  Google for instance has made significant innovations not only in search but also with social media.  Since th

Increase Focus On Your Target Market To Grow Your Small Business

Focusing on the target market is crucial for any business to grow irrespective of its size; however as a small business it becomes even more crucial as you do not have the luxury of huge investments to experiment with marketing to larger or supplementary markets.

A single look at your product or service may not be enough to decide your target market or ideal buyer, as is normally perceived by most businesses. This understanding of your ideal buyer will go on in defining your target market. For instance, a fashion boutique shouldn’t target all women, rather define their ideal buyer based on the kind that they sell, if it is more suited to working women, then your target market becomes all working women rather than focusing on all women groups. So our first task is to:

As a Woman, What Do You View Retirement to Be Like?

As a woman young or old, have you thought about what your retirement life will be like? Does it include being financially sound and not having to worry about running out of money?

A recent report from BMO Financial Group points out that even though they are less financially set for retirement, women are finding themselves happier in retired life than their male counterparts. Much of that happiness resonates from having had friendships with people over time, especially other women in later years.

5 Surefire Ways to Ensure Business Longevity

The certificate hanging my office wall says I've been in business 10 years, and I wonder how that can be?

Imagine 10 years of being my own boss, of learning to market my business better, of disciplining myself to spend time on the tasks that matter most, and of helping clients live their dreams - priceless. And although there were a few times I wondered if I should go back to get a "real" job, I realize that my work is the most real and truest work I'll ever get to using my skills and bringing me joy - I am truly blessed to be a successful Coach and business owner.

Five Undeniable Ways To Make Your Small Business More Productive

Innovating new ways to improve the productivity of your business should definitely be your top priority. Ideas flash your mind, suggestions pop up; some seem terrific and some get discarded and some turn ineffective when implemented, the key is to look out for new ways to improve productivity. Here we have identified similar activities which can take your business to the next level.

Maximize Business Automation

How To Blow It When Social Networking For Business

When social networking for business it is ALWAYS important to not put the cart before the horse! When you work these sites your first priority is to gain social acceptance and not launch into the use of various marketing tactics. This will be much like engaging in a closed quarters conversation when in need of your favorite mouthwash! Your first step is to build relationships with other members that are casual and not displaying any of your business intentions.

Limited Funds Doesn’t Mean Limited Marketing

A small business has a great product to offer potential clients but the marketing budget is close to or in the red. Is there any hope of spreading the word and avoiding a major financial issue?

In a day and age when small businesses are attempting to do more with less, effectively marketing one’s company when funds are tight can be like walking on egg shells. 

Five Keys to a Stable Foundation for Successful Business

There is a fundamental truth about construction. Any building that is constructed has a better chance at lasting on bedrock than on sand. That is a guarantee!

This is why it is so important that your business has a solid foundation. How can you make sure that this is the case with your business?

Is Having a Strong Support Team Crucial for Advancing Your Business?

Having a good support team can be one of the most important aspects in having a successful business. Friends, family or other business associates can make a world of difference when it comes to giving advice, uplifting spirits, and motivating to move forward.